macro_rules! new_type_future {
#[doc = $type_docs:literal]
pub struct $future_name:ident<'static, $output:ty, $err:ty>;
) => {
new_type_future!(@internal, $type_docs, $future_name, $output, $err, 'static,);
#[doc = $type_docs:literal]
pub struct $future_name:ident<$lifetime:lifetime, $output:ty, $err:ty>;
) => {
new_type_future!(@internal, $type_docs, $future_name, $output, $err, $lifetime, <$lifetime>);
(@internal, $type_docs:literal, $future_name:ident, $output:ty, $err:ty, $lifetime:lifetime, $($decl_lifetime:tt)*) => {
pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
#[doc = $type_docs]
pub struct $future_name$($decl_lifetime)* {
inner: aws_smithy_async::future::now_or_later::NowOrLater<
Result<$output, $err>,
aws_smithy_async::future::BoxFuture<$lifetime, $output, $err>
impl$($decl_lifetime)* $future_name$($decl_lifetime)* {
#[doc = concat!("Create a new `", stringify!($future_name), "` with the given future.")]
pub fn new<F>(future: F) -> Self
F: std::future::Future<Output = Result<$output, $err>> + Send + $lifetime,
Self {
inner: aws_smithy_async::future::now_or_later::NowOrLater::new(Box::pin(future)),
#[doc = concat!("
Create a new `", stringify!($future_name), "` with the given boxed future.
Use this if you already have a boxed future to avoid double boxing it.
pub fn new_boxed(
future: std::pin::Pin<
Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<$output, $err>> + Send + $lifetime>,
) -> Self {
Self {
inner: aws_smithy_async::future::now_or_later::NowOrLater::new(future),
#[doc = concat!("Create a `", stringify!($future_name), "` that is immediately ready with the given result.")]
pub fn ready(result: Result<$output, $err>) -> Self {
Self {
inner: aws_smithy_async::future::now_or_later::NowOrLater::ready(result),
impl$($decl_lifetime)* std::future::Future for $future_name$($decl_lifetime)* {
type Output = Result<$output, $err>;
fn poll(self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
pub mod auth;
pub mod connection;
pub mod connector_metadata;
pub mod dns;
pub mod endpoint;
pub mod http;
pub mod identity;
pub mod interceptors;
pub mod orchestrator;
pub mod result;
pub mod retries;
pub mod runtime_components;
pub mod runtime_plugin;
pub mod behavior_version;
pub mod ser_de;
pub mod stalled_stream_protection;
pub mod waiters;