Server Test

Server Test

rev. 0b749be6d000fdc7ef59d1bc26f1dce00358d95c (ignoring whitespace)

Files changed:


@@ -1,1 +31,850 @@
    1      1   
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
           2  +
           3  +
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
           4  +
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
           5  +
    /// [`OperationWithNestedStructureInput`](crate::input::OperationWithNestedStructureInput) using modelled bindings.
           6  +
    pub struct OperationWithNestedStructureInputFuture {
           7  +
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::OperationWithNestedStructureInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
           8  +
           9  +
          10  +
          11  +
impl std::future::Future for OperationWithNestedStructureInputFuture {
          12  +
    type Output = Result<
          13  +
          14  +
          15  +
          16  +
          17  +
    fn poll(
          18  +
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
          19  +
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
          20  +
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
          21  +
        let this = self.project();
          22  +
          23  +
          24  +
          25  +
          26  +
          27  +
          28  +
          29  +
          30  +
    > for crate::input::OperationWithNestedStructureInput
          31  +
          32  +
    B: ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody + Send,
          33  +
    B: 'static,
          34  +
          35  +
    B::Data: Send,
          36  +
          37  +
        From<<B as ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody>::Error>,
          38  +
          39  +
    type Rejection = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError;
          40  +
    type Future = OperationWithNestedStructureInputFuture;
          41  +
          42  +
    fn from_request(request: ::http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
          43  +
        let fut = async move {
          44  +
            if !::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::accept_header_classifier(
          45  +
          46  +
          47  +
            ) {
          48  +
                return Err(::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection::NotAcceptable);
          49  +
          50  +
          51  +
          52  +
          53  +
          54  +
        use ::futures_util::future::TryFutureExt;
          55  +
        let fut = fut.map_err(
          56  +
            |e: ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection| {
          57  +
                ::tracing::debug!(error = %e, "failed to deserialize request");
          58  +
          59  +
          60  +
          61  +
          62  +
          63  +
        OperationWithNestedStructureInputFuture {
          64  +
            inner: Box::pin(fut),
          65  +
          66  +
          67  +
          68  +
          69  +
          70  +
          71  +
    > for crate::output::OperationWithNestedStructureOutput
          72  +
          73  +
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
          74  +
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_operation_with_nested_structure::ser_operation_with_nested_structure_http_response(self) {
          75  +
                        Ok(response) => response,
          76  +
                        Err(e) => {
          77  +
                            ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
          78  +
          79  +
          80  +
          81  +
          82  +
          83  +
          84  +
          85  +
          86  +
    > for crate::error::OperationWithNestedStructureError
          87  +
          88  +
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
          89  +
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_operation_with_nested_structure::ser_operation_with_nested_structure_http_error(&self) {
          90  +
            Ok(mut response) => {
          91  +
          92  +
          93  +
          94  +
            Err(e) => {
          95  +
                ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
          96  +
          97  +
          98  +
          99  +
         100  +
         101  +
         102  +
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
         103  +
         104  +
mod operation_with_nested_structure_test {
         105  +
         106  +
    /// Server populates nested default values when missing in request body.
         107  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonServerPopulatesNestedDefaultsWhenMissingInRequestBody
         108  +
         109  +
         110  +
    async fn rest_json_server_populates_nested_defaults_when_missing_in_request_body_request() {
         111  +
         112  +
                    let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
         113  +
         114  +
         115  +
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
         116  +
        .body(::aws_smithy_http_server::body::Body::from(::bytes::Bytes::from_static("{\n    \"topLevel\": {\n        \"dialog\": {\n            \"language\": \"en\"\n        },\n        \"dialogList\": [\n            {\n            },\n            {\n                \"farewell\": {}\n            },\n            {\n                \"language\": \"it\",\n                \"greeting\": \"ciao\",\n                \"farewell\": {\n                    \"phrase\": \"arrivederci\"\n                }\n            }\n        ],\n        \"dialogMap\": {\n            \"emptyDialog\": {\n            },\n            \"partialEmptyDialog\": {\n                \"language\": \"en\",\n                \"farewell\": {}\n            },\n            \"nonEmptyDialog\": {\n                \"greeting\": \"konnichiwa\",\n                \"farewell\": {\n                    \"phrase\": \"sayonara\"\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}".as_bytes()))).unwrap();
         117  +
         118  +
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
         119  +
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
         120  +
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
         121  +
         122  +
                move |input: crate::input::OperationWithNestedStructureInput| {
         123  +
                    let sender = sender.clone();
         124  +
                    async move {
         125  +
                        let result = {
         126  +
                            let expected = crate::input::OperationWithNestedStructureInput {
         127  +
                                top_level: crate::model::TopLevel {
         128  +
                                    dialog: crate::model::Dialog {
         129  +
                                        language: ::std::option::Option::Some("en".to_owned()),
         130  +
                                        greeting: "hi".to_owned(),
         131  +
                                        farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         132  +
         133  +
                                    dialog_list: vec![
         134  +
                                        crate::model::Dialog {
         135  +
                                            greeting: "hi".to_owned(),
         136  +
                                            language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         137  +
                                            farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         138  +
         139  +
                                        crate::model::Dialog {
         140  +
                                            greeting: "hi".to_owned(),
         141  +
                                            farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(
         142  +
                                                crate::model::Farewell {
         143  +
                                                    phrase: "bye".to_owned(),
         144  +
         145  +
         146  +
                                            language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         147  +
         148  +
                                        crate::model::Dialog {
         149  +
                                            language: ::std::option::Option::Some("it".to_owned()),
         150  +
                                            greeting: "ciao".to_owned(),
         151  +
                                            farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(
         152  +
                                                crate::model::Farewell {
         153  +
                                                    phrase: "arrivederci".to_owned(),
         154  +
         155  +
         156  +
         157  +
         158  +
                                    dialog_map: {
         159  +
                                        let mut ret = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
         160  +
         161  +
         162  +
                                            crate::model::Dialog {
         163  +
                                                greeting: "hi".to_owned(),
         164  +
                                                language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         165  +
                                                farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         166  +
         167  +
         168  +
         169  +
         170  +
                                            crate::model::Dialog {
         171  +
                                                language: ::std::option::Option::Some(
         172  +
         173  +
         174  +
                                                greeting: "hi".to_owned(),
         175  +
                                                farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(
         176  +
                                                    crate::model::Farewell {
         177  +
                                                        phrase: "bye".to_owned(),
         178  +
         179  +
         180  +
         181  +
         182  +
         183  +
         184  +
                                            crate::model::Dialog {
         185  +
                                                greeting: "konnichiwa".to_owned(),
         186  +
                                                farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(
         187  +
                                                    crate::model::Farewell {
         188  +
                                                        phrase: "sayonara".to_owned(),
         189  +
         190  +
         191  +
                                                language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         192  +
         193  +
         194  +
         195  +
         196  +
         197  +
         198  +
                            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
         199  +
                            let response = crate::output::OperationWithNestedStructureOutput {
         200  +
                                dialog: crate::model::Dialog {
         201  +
                                    greeting: "".to_owned(),
         202  +
                                    language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         203  +
                                    farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         204  +
         205  +
                                dialog_list: vec![],
         206  +
                                dialog_map: ::std::collections::HashMap::new(),
         207  +
         208  +
         209  +
         210  +
                        sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
         211  +
         212  +
         213  +
         214  +
         215  +
         216  +
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
         217  +
         218  +
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
         219  +
         220  +
         221  +
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
         222  +
         223  +
         224  +
    /// Server populates nested default values when missing in response params.
         225  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonServerPopulatesNestedDefaultValuesWhenMissingInInResponseParams
         226  +
         227  +
         228  +
    async fn rest_json_server_populates_nested_default_values_when_missing_in_in_response_params_response(
         229  +
    ) {
         230  +
        let output = crate::output::OperationWithNestedStructureOutput {
         231  +
            dialog: crate::model::Dialog {
         232  +
                greeting: "".to_owned(),
         233  +
                language: ::std::option::Option::Some("en".to_owned()),
         234  +
                farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         235  +
         236  +
            dialog_list: vec![
         237  +
                crate::model::Dialog {
         238  +
                    greeting: "".to_owned(),
         239  +
                    language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         240  +
                    farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         241  +
         242  +
                crate::model::Dialog {
         243  +
                    greeting: "".to_owned(),
         244  +
                    farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(crate::model::Farewell {
         245  +
                        phrase: "".to_owned(),
         246  +
         247  +
                    language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         248  +
         249  +
                crate::model::Dialog {
         250  +
                    language: ::std::option::Option::Some("it".to_owned()),
         251  +
                    greeting: "ciao".to_owned(),
         252  +
                    farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(crate::model::Farewell {
         253  +
                        phrase: "arrivederci".to_owned(),
         254  +
         255  +
         256  +
         257  +
            dialog_map: {
         258  +
                let mut ret = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
         259  +
         260  +
         261  +
                    crate::model::Dialog {
         262  +
                        greeting: "".to_owned(),
         263  +
                        language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         264  +
                        farewell: ::std::option::Option::None,
         265  +
         266  +
         267  +
         268  +
         269  +
                    crate::model::Dialog {
         270  +
                        greeting: "".to_owned(),
         271  +
                        language: ::std::option::Option::Some("en".to_owned()),
         272  +
                        farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(crate::model::Farewell {
         273  +
                            phrase: "".to_owned(),
         274  +
         275  +
         276  +
         277  +
         278  +
         279  +
                    crate::model::Dialog {
         280  +
                        greeting: "konnichiwa".to_owned(),
         281  +
                        farewell: ::std::option::Option::Some(crate::model::Farewell {
         282  +
                            phrase: "sayonara".to_owned(),
         283  +
         284  +
                        language: ::std::option::Option::None,
         285  +
         286  +
         287  +
         288  +
         289  +
         290  +
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::IntoResponse;
         291  +
        let http_response = output.into_response();
         292  +
         293  +
            http::StatusCode::from_u16(200).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
         294  +
         295  +
         296  +
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")];
         297  +
         298  +
         299  +
         300  +
         301  +
        let body = ::hyper::body::to_bytes(http_response.into_body())
         302  +
         303  +
            .expect("unable to extract body to bytes");
         304  +
         305  +
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_body(&body, "{\n    \"dialog\": {\n        \"language\": \"en\",\n        \"greeting\": \"hi\"\n    },\n    \"dialogList\": [\n        {\n            \"greeting\": \"hi\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"greeting\": \"hi\",\n            \"farewell\": {\n                \"phrase\": \"bye\"\n            }\n        },\n        {\n            \"language\": \"it\",\n            \"greeting\": \"ciao\",\n            \"farewell\": {\n                \"phrase\": \"arrivederci\"\n            }\n        }\n    ],\n    \"dialogMap\": {\n        \"emptyDialog\": {\n            \"greeting\": \"hi\"\n        },\n        \"partialEmptyDialog\": {\n            \"language\": \"en\",\n            \"greeting\": \"hi\",\n            \"farewell\": {\n                \"phrase\": \"bye\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"nonEmptyDialog\": {\n            \"greeting\": \"konnichiwa\",\n            \"farewell\": {\n                \"phrase\": \"sayonara\"\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}", ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::MediaType::from("application/json"))
         306  +
         307  +
         308  +
         309  +
         310  +
         311  +
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
         312  +
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
         313  +
    /// [`OperationWithDefaultsInput`](crate::input::OperationWithDefaultsInput) using modelled bindings.
         314  +
    pub struct OperationWithDefaultsInputFuture {
         315  +
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::OperationWithDefaultsInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
         316  +
         317  +
         318  +
         319  +
impl std::future::Future for OperationWithDefaultsInputFuture {
         320  +
    type Output = Result<
         321  +
         322  +
         323  +
         324  +
         325  +
    fn poll(
         326  +
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
         327  +
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
         328  +
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
         329  +
        let this = self.project();
         330  +
         331  +
         332  +
         333  +
         334  +
         335  +
         336  +
         337  +
         338  +
    > for crate::input::OperationWithDefaultsInput
         339  +
         340  +
    B: ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody + Send,
         341  +
    B: 'static,
         342  +
         343  +
    B::Data: Send,
         344  +
         345  +
        From<<B as ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody>::Error>,
         346  +
         347  +
    type Rejection = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError;
         348  +
    type Future = OperationWithDefaultsInputFuture;
         349  +
         350  +
    fn from_request(request: ::http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
         351  +
        let fut = async move {
         352  +
            if !::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::accept_header_classifier(
         353  +
         354  +
         355  +
            ) {
         356  +
                return Err(::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection::NotAcceptable);
         357  +
         358  +
         359  +
         360  +
         361  +
         362  +
        use ::futures_util::future::TryFutureExt;
         363  +
        let fut = fut.map_err(
         364  +
            |e: ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection| {
         365  +
                ::tracing::debug!(error = %e, "failed to deserialize request");
         366  +
         367  +
         368  +
         369  +
         370  +
         371  +
        OperationWithDefaultsInputFuture {
         372  +
            inner: Box::pin(fut),
         373  +
         374  +
         375  +
         376  +
         377  +
         378  +
         379  +
    > for crate::output::OperationWithDefaultsOutput
         380  +
         381  +
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
         382  +
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_operation_with_defaults::ser_operation_with_defaults_http_response(self) {
         383  +
                        Ok(response) => response,
         384  +
                        Err(e) => {
         385  +
                            ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
         386  +
         387  +
         388  +
         389  +
         390  +
         391  +
         392  +
         393  +
         394  +
    > for crate::error::OperationWithDefaultsError
         395  +
         396  +
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
         397  +
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_operation_with_defaults::ser_operation_with_defaults_http_error(&self) {
         398  +
            Ok(mut response) => {
         399  +
         400  +
         401  +
         402  +
            Err(e) => {
         403  +
                ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
         404  +
         405  +
         406  +
         407  +
         408  +
         409  +
         410  +
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
         411  +
         412  +
mod operation_with_defaults_test {
         413  +
         414  +
    /// Server populates default values when missing in request body.
         415  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonServerPopulatesDefaultsWhenMissingInRequestBody
         416  +
         417  +
         418  +
    async fn rest_json_server_populates_defaults_when_missing_in_request_body_request() {
         419  +
         420  +
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
         421  +
         422  +
         423  +
            .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
         424  +
         425  +
                ::bytes::Bytes::from_static("{\n\"defaults\": {}\n}".as_bytes()),
         426  +
         427  +
         428  +
         429  +
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
         430  +
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
         431  +
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
         432  +
            .operation_with_defaults(move |input: crate::input::OperationWithDefaultsInput| {
         433  +
                let sender = sender.clone();
         434  +
                async move {
         435  +
                    let result = {
         436  +
                        let expected = crate::input::OperationWithDefaultsInput {
         437  +
                            defaults: ::std::option::Option::Some(crate::model::Defaults {
         438  +
                                default_string: "hi".to_owned(),
         439  +
                                default_boolean: true,
         440  +
                                default_list: vec![],
         441  +
                                default_document_map: {
         442  +
                                    let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         443  +
                                    let mut tokens =
         444  +
         445  +
         446  +
         447  +
                                        &mut tokens,
         448  +
         449  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         450  +
         451  +
                                default_document_string: {
         452  +
                                    let json_bytes = br#""hi""#;
         453  +
                                    let mut tokens =
         454  +
         455  +
         456  +
         457  +
                                        &mut tokens,
         458  +
         459  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         460  +
         461  +
                                default_document_boolean: {
         462  +
                                    let json_bytes = br#"true"#;
         463  +
                                    let mut tokens =
         464  +
         465  +
         466  +
         467  +
                                        &mut tokens,
         468  +
         469  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         470  +
         471  +
                                default_document_list: {
         472  +
                                    let json_bytes = br#"[]"#;
         473  +
                                    let mut tokens =
         474  +
         475  +
         476  +
         477  +
                                        &mut tokens,
         478  +
         479  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         480  +
         481  +
         482  +
                                    ::aws_smithy_types::DateTime::from_fractional_secs(0, 0_f64),
         483  +
                                default_blob: ::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new("abc"),
         484  +
                                default_byte: 1,
         485  +
                                default_short: 1,
         486  +
                                default_integer: 10,
         487  +
                                default_long: 100,
         488  +
                                default_float: 1.0_f32,
         489  +
                                default_double: 1.0_f64,
         490  +
                                default_map: ::std::collections::HashMap::new(),
         491  +
                                default_enum: "FOO"
         492  +
         493  +
                                    .expect("static value validated to member"),
         494  +
                                default_int_enum: 1,
         495  +
                                empty_string: "".to_owned(),
         496  +
                                false_boolean: false,
         497  +
                                empty_blob: ::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new(""),
         498  +
                                zero_byte: 0,
         499  +
                                zero_short: 0,
         500  +
                                zero_integer: 0,
         501  +
                                zero_long: 0,
         502  +
                                zero_float: 0.0_f32,
         503  +
                                zero_double: 0.0_f64,
         504  +
                                default_null_document: ::std::option::Option::Some({
         505  +
                                    let json_bytes = br#"null"#;
         506  +
                                    let mut tokens =
         507  +
         508  +
         509  +
         510  +
                                        &mut tokens,
         511  +
         512  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         513  +
         514  +
         515  +
                            top_level_default: "hi".to_owned(),
         516  +
                            other_top_level_default: 0,
         517  +
                            client_optional_defaults: ::std::option::Option::None,
         518  +
         519  +
                        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
         520  +
                        let response = crate::output::OperationWithDefaultsOutput {
         521  +
                            default_string: "".to_owned(),
         522  +
                            default_boolean: false,
         523  +
                            default_list: vec![],
         524  +
                            default_document_map: {
         525  +
                                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         526  +
                                let mut tokens =
         527  +
         528  +
         529  +
                                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         530  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         531  +
         532  +
                            default_document_string: {
         533  +
                                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         534  +
                                let mut tokens =
         535  +
         536  +
         537  +
                                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         538  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         539  +
         540  +
                            default_document_boolean: {
         541  +
                                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         542  +
                                let mut tokens =
         543  +
         544  +
         545  +
                                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         546  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         547  +
         548  +
                            default_document_list: {
         549  +
                                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         550  +
                                let mut tokens =
         551  +
         552  +
         553  +
                                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         554  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         555  +
         556  +
                            default_timestamp: ::aws_smithy_types::DateTime::from_fractional_secs(
         557  +
                                0, 0_f64,
         558  +
         559  +
                            default_blob: ::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new(""),
         560  +
                            default_byte: 0,
         561  +
                            default_short: 0,
         562  +
                            default_integer: 0,
         563  +
                            default_long: 0,
         564  +
                            default_float: 0_f32,
         565  +
                            default_double: 0_f64,
         566  +
                            default_map: ::std::collections::HashMap::new(),
         567  +
                            default_enum: ""
         568  +
         569  +
                                .expect("static value validated to member"),
         570  +
                            default_int_enum: 0,
         571  +
                            empty_string: "".to_owned(),
         572  +
                            false_boolean: false,
         573  +
                            empty_blob: ::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new(""),
         574  +
                            zero_byte: 0,
         575  +
                            zero_short: 0,
         576  +
                            zero_integer: 0,
         577  +
                            zero_long: 0,
         578  +
                            zero_float: 0_f32,
         579  +
                            zero_double: 0_f64,
         580  +
                            default_null_document: ::std::option::Option::Some({
         581  +
                                let json_bytes = br#"null"#;
         582  +
                                let mut tokens =
         583  +
         584  +
         585  +
                                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         586  +
                                    .expect("well formed json")
         587  +
         588  +
         589  +
         590  +
         591  +
                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
         592  +
         593  +
         594  +
         595  +
         596  +
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
         597  +
         598  +
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
         599  +
         600  +
         601  +
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
         602  +
         603  +
         604  +
    /// Server populates default values in response when missing in params.
         605  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonServerPopulatesDefaultsInResponseWhenMissingInParams
         606  +
         607  +
         608  +
    async fn rest_json_server_populates_defaults_in_response_when_missing_in_params_response() {
         609  +
        let output = crate::output::OperationWithDefaultsOutput {
         610  +
            default_string: "".to_owned(),
         611  +
            default_boolean: false,
         612  +
            default_list: vec![],
         613  +
            default_document_map: {
         614  +
                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         615  +
                let mut tokens =
         616  +
         617  +
                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         618  +
                    .expect("well formed json")
         619  +
         620  +
            default_document_string: {
         621  +
                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         622  +
                let mut tokens =
         623  +
         624  +
                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         625  +
                    .expect("well formed json")
         626  +
         627  +
            default_document_boolean: {
         628  +
                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         629  +
                let mut tokens =
         630  +
         631  +
                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         632  +
                    .expect("well formed json")
         633  +
         634  +
            default_document_list: {
         635  +
                let json_bytes = br#"{}"#;
         636  +
                let mut tokens =
         637  +
         638  +
                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         639  +
                    .expect("well formed json")
         640  +
         641  +
            default_timestamp: ::aws_smithy_types::DateTime::from_fractional_secs(0, 0_f64),
         642  +
            default_blob: ::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new(""),
         643  +
            default_byte: 0,
         644  +
            default_short: 0,
         645  +
            default_integer: 0,
         646  +
            default_long: 0,
         647  +
            default_float: 0_f32,
         648  +
            default_double: 0_f64,
         649  +
            default_map: ::std::collections::HashMap::new(),
         650  +
            default_enum: ""
         651  +
         652  +
                .expect("static value validated to member"),
         653  +
            default_int_enum: 0,
         654  +
            empty_string: "".to_owned(),
         655  +
            false_boolean: false,
         656  +
            empty_blob: ::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new(""),
         657  +
            zero_byte: 0,
         658  +
            zero_short: 0,
         659  +
            zero_integer: 0,
         660  +
            zero_long: 0,
         661  +
            zero_float: 0_f32,
         662  +
            zero_double: 0_f64,
         663  +
            default_null_document: ::std::option::Option::Some({
         664  +
                let json_bytes = br#"null"#;
         665  +
                let mut tokens =
         666  +
         667  +
                ::aws_smithy_json::deserialize::token::expect_document(&mut tokens)
         668  +
                    .expect("well formed json")
         669  +
         670  +
         671  +
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::IntoResponse;
         672  +
        let http_response = output.into_response();
         673  +
         674  +
            http::StatusCode::from_u16(200).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
         675  +
         676  +
         677  +
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")];
         678  +
         679  +
         680  +
         681  +
         682  +
        let body = ::hyper::body::to_bytes(http_response.into_body())
         683  +
         684  +
            .expect("unable to extract body to bytes");
         685  +
         686  +
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_body(&body, "{\n    \"defaultString\": \"hi\",\n    \"defaultBoolean\": true,\n    \"defaultList\": [],\n    \"defaultDocumentMap\": {},\n    \"defaultDocumentString\": \"hi\",\n    \"defaultDocumentBoolean\": true,\n    \"defaultDocumentList\": [],\n    \"defaultTimestamp\": 0,\n    \"defaultBlob\": \"YWJj\",\n    \"defaultByte\": 1,\n    \"defaultShort\": 1,\n    \"defaultInteger\": 10,\n    \"defaultLong\": 100,\n    \"defaultFloat\": 1.0,\n    \"defaultDouble\": 1.0,\n    \"defaultMap\": {},\n    \"defaultEnum\": \"FOO\",\n    \"defaultIntEnum\": 1,\n    \"emptyString\": \"\",\n    \"falseBoolean\": false,\n    \"emptyBlob\": \"\",\n    \"zeroByte\": 0,\n    \"zeroShort\": 0,\n    \"zeroInteger\": 0,\n    \"zeroLong\": 0,\n    \"zeroFloat\": 0.0,\n    \"zeroDouble\": 0.0\n}", ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::MediaType::from("application/json"))
         687  +
         688  +
         689  +
         690  +
         691  +
         692  +
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
         693  +
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
         694  +
    /// [`ContentTypeParametersInput`](crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput) using modelled bindings.
         695  +
    pub struct ContentTypeParametersInputFuture {
         696  +
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
         697  +
         698  +
         699  +
         700  +
impl std::future::Future for ContentTypeParametersInputFuture {
         701  +
    type Output = Result<
         702  +
         703  +
         704  +
         705  +
         706  +
    fn poll(
         707  +
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
         708  +
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
         709  +
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
         710  +
        let this = self.project();
         711  +
         712  +
         713  +
         714  +
         715  +
         716  +
         717  +
         718  +
         719  +
    > for crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput
         720  +
         721  +
    B: ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody + Send,
         722  +
    B: 'static,
         723  +
         724  +
    B::Data: Send,
         725  +
         726  +
        From<<B as ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody>::Error>,
         727  +
         728  +
    type Rejection = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError;
         729  +
    type Future = ContentTypeParametersInputFuture;
         730  +
         731  +
    fn from_request(request: ::http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
         732  +
        let fut = async move {
         733  +
            if !::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::accept_header_classifier(
         734  +
         735  +
         736  +
            ) {
         737  +
                return Err(::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection::NotAcceptable);
         738  +
         739  +
         740  +
         741  +
         742  +
         743  +
        use ::futures_util::future::TryFutureExt;
         744  +
        let fut = fut.map_err(
         745  +
            |e: ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection| {
         746  +
                ::tracing::debug!(error = %e, "failed to deserialize request");
         747  +
         748  +
         749  +
         750  +
         751  +
         752  +
        ContentTypeParametersInputFuture {
         753  +
            inner: Box::pin(fut),
         754  +
         755  +
         756  +
         757  +
         758  +
         759  +
         760  +
    > for crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput
         761  +
         762  +
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
         763  +
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_content_type_parameters::ser_content_type_parameters_http_response(self) {
         764  +
                        Ok(response) => response,
         765  +
                        Err(e) => {
         766  +
                            ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
         767  +
         768  +
         769  +
         770  +
         771  +
         772  +
         773  +
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
         774  +
         775  +
mod content_type_parameters_test {
         776  +
         777  +
    /// A server should ignore parameters added to the content type
         778  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonMustSupportParametersInContentType
         779  +
         780  +
         781  +
    async fn rest_json_must_support_parameters_in_content_type_request() {
         782  +
         783  +
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
         784  +
         785  +
         786  +
            .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
         787  +
         788  +
         789  +
         790  +
         791  +
         792  +
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
         793  +
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
         794  +
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
         795  +
            .content_type_parameters(move |input: crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput| {
         796  +
                let sender = sender.clone();
         797  +
                async move {
         798  +
                    let result = {
         799  +
                        let expected = crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput {
         800  +
                            value: ::std::option::Option::Some(5),
         801  +
         802  +
                        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
         803  +
                        let response = crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {};
         804  +
         805  +
         806  +
                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
         807  +
         808  +
         809  +
         810  +
         811  +
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
         812  +
         813  +
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
         814  +
         815  +
         816  +
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
         817  +
         818  +
         819  +
         820  +
    2    821   
    3    822   
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
    4    823   
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
    5    824   
    /// [`PutWithContentEncodingInput`](crate::input::PutWithContentEncodingInput) using modelled bindings.
    6    825   
    pub struct PutWithContentEncodingInputFuture {
    7    826   
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::PutWithContentEncodingInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
    8    827   
    9    828   
   10    829   
   11    830   
impl std::future::Future for PutWithContentEncodingInputFuture {
@@ -224,1043 +283,1231 @@
  244   1063   
        ) {
  245   1064   
            Ok(response) => response,
  246   1065   
            Err(e) => {
  247   1066   
                ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
  248   1067   
  249   1068   
  250   1069   
  251   1070   
  252   1071   
  253   1072   
        1073  +
        1074  +
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
        1075  +
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
        1076  +
    /// [`TestNoInputNoPayloadInput`](crate::input::TestNoInputNoPayloadInput) using modelled bindings.
        1077  +
    pub struct TestNoInputNoPayloadInputFuture {
        1078  +
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::TestNoInputNoPayloadInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
        1079  +
        1080  +
        1081  +
        1082  +
impl std::future::Future for TestNoInputNoPayloadInputFuture {
        1083  +
    type Output = Result<
        1084  +
        1085  +
        1086  +
        1087  +
        1088  +
    fn poll(
        1089  +
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
        1090  +
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
        1091  +
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
        1092  +
        let this = self.project();
        1093  +
        1094  +
        1095  +
        1096  +
        1097  +
        1098  +
        1099  +
        1100  +
        1101  +
    > for crate::input::TestNoInputNoPayloadInput
        1102  +
        1103  +
    B: ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody + Send,
        1104  +
    B: 'static,
        1105  +
        1106  +
    B::Data: Send,
        1107  +
        1108  +
        From<<B as ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody>::Error>,
        1109  +
        1110  +
    type Rejection = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError;
        1111  +
    type Future = TestNoInputNoPayloadInputFuture;
        1112  +
        1113  +
    fn from_request(request: ::http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
        1114  +
        let fut = async move {
        1115  +
            if !::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::accept_header_classifier(
        1116  +
        1117  +
        1118  +
            ) {
        1119  +
                return Err(::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection::NotAcceptable);
        1120  +
        1121  +
        1122  +
        1123  +
        1124  +
        1125  +
        use ::futures_util::future::TryFutureExt;
        1126  +
        let fut = fut.map_err(
        1127  +
            |e: ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::rejection::RequestRejection| {
        1128  +
                ::tracing::debug!(error = %e, "failed to deserialize request");
        1129  +
        1130  +
        1131  +
        1132  +
        1133  +
        1134  +
        TestNoInputNoPayloadInputFuture {
        1135  +
            inner: Box::pin(fut),
        1136  +
        1137  +
        1138  +
        1139  +
        1140  +
        1141  +
        1142  +
    > for crate::output::TestNoInputNoPayloadOutput
        1143  +
        1144  +
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
        1145  +
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_test_no_input_no_payload::ser_test_no_input_no_payload_http_response(self) {
        1146  +
                        Ok(response) => response,
        1147  +
                        Err(e) => {
        1148  +
                            ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
        1149  +
        1150  +
        1151  +
        1152  +
        1153  +
        1154  +
        1155  +
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
        1156  +
        1157  +
mod test_no_input_no_payload_test {
        1158  +
        1159  +
    /// Serializes a GET request for an operation with no input, and therefore no modeled body
        1160  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpWithNoInput
        1161  +
        1162  +
        1163  +
    async fn rest_json_http_with_no_input_request() {
        1164  +
        1165  +
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
        1166  +
        1167  +
        1168  +
        1169  +
        1170  +
        1171  +
        1172  +
        1173  +
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
        1174  +
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
        1175  +
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
        1176  +
            .test_no_input_no_payload(move |input: crate::input::TestNoInputNoPayloadInput| {
        1177  +
                let sender = sender.clone();
        1178  +
                async move {
        1179  +
                    let result = {
        1180  +
                        let expected = crate::input::TestNoInputNoPayloadInput {};
        1181  +
                        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
        1182  +
                        let response = crate::output::TestNoInputNoPayloadOutput {
        1183  +
                            test_id: ::std::option::Option::None,
        1184  +
        1185  +
        1186  +
        1187  +
                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
        1188  +
        1189  +
        1190  +
        1191  +
        1192  +
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
        1193  +
        1194  +
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
        1195  +
        1196  +
        1197  +
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
        1198  +
        1199  +
        1200  +
        1201  +
  254   1202   
  255   1203   
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
  256   1204   
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
  257   1205   
    /// [`TestNoPayloadInput`](crate::input::TestNoPayloadInput) using modelled bindings.
  258   1206   
    pub struct TestNoPayloadInputFuture {
  259   1207   
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::TestNoPayloadInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
  260   1208   
  261   1209   
  262   1210   
  263   1211   
impl std::future::Future for TestNoPayloadInputFuture {
@@ -1754,2702 +1855,2845 @@
 1774   2722   
 1775   2723   
 1776   2724   
 1777   2725   
 1778   2726   
 1779   2727   
 1780   2728   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
 1781   2729   
 1782   2730   
mod malformed_content_type_with_body_test {
 1783   2731   
 1784         -
    /// When there is modeled input, they content type must be application/json
        2732  +
    /// When there is modeled input, the content type must be application/json
 1785   2733   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonWithBodyExpectsApplicationJsonContentType
 1786   2734   
 1787   2735   
 1788   2736   
    async fn rest_json_with_body_expects_application_json_content_type_malformed_request() {
 1789   2737   
 1790   2738   
 1791   2739   
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
 1792   2740   
 1793   2741   
 1794   2742   
                .header("content-type", "application/hal+json")
 1795   2743   
 1796   2744   
 1797   2745   
 1798   2746   
 1799   2747   
 1800   2748   
            let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
 1801   2749   
            let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
 1802   2750   
            let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
 1803   2751   
                            .malformed_content_type_with_body(move |input: crate::input::MalformedContentTypeWithBodyInput| {
 1804   2752   
                                let sender = sender.clone();
 1805   2753   
                                async move {
 1806   2754   
                                    let result = { panic!("request should have been rejected, but we accepted it; we parsed operation input `{:?}`", &input) as crate::output::MalformedContentTypeWithBodyOutput };
 1807   2755   
                                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
 1808   2756   
 1809   2757   
 1810   2758   
 1811   2759   
 1812   2760   
            let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
 1813   2761   
 1814   2762   
                .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
 1815   2763   
 1816   2764   
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(415).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
 1817   2765   
 1818   2766   
 1819   2767   
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "UnsupportedMediaTypeException")];
 1820   2768   
 1821   2769   
 1822   2770   
 1823   2771   
 1824   2772   
 1825   2773   
        2774  +
    /// When there is modeled input, the content type must be application/json
        2775  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonWithBodyExpectsApplicationJsonContentTypeNoHeaders
        2776  +
        2777  +
        2778  +
    async fn rest_json_with_body_expects_application_json_content_type_no_headers_malformed_request(
        2779  +
    ) {
        2780  +
        2781  +
        2782  +
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
        2783  +
        2784  +
        2785  +
        2786  +
        2787  +
        2788  +
        2789  +
        2790  +
            let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
        2791  +
            let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
        2792  +
            let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
        2793  +
                            .malformed_content_type_with_body(move |input: crate::input::MalformedContentTypeWithBodyInput| {
        2794  +
                                let sender = sender.clone();
        2795  +
                                async move {
        2796  +
                                    let result = { panic!("request should have been rejected, but we accepted it; we parsed operation input `{:?}`", &input) as crate::output::MalformedContentTypeWithBodyOutput };
        2797  +
                                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
        2798  +
        2799  +
        2800  +
        2801  +
        2802  +
            let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
        2803  +
        2804  +
                .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
        2805  +
        2806  +
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(415).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
        2807  +
        2808  +
        2809  +
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "UnsupportedMediaTypeException")];
        2810  +
        2811  +
        2812  +
        2813  +
        2814  +
        2815  +
 1826   2816   
 1827   2817   
 1828   2818   
 1829   2819   
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
 1830   2820   
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
 1831   2821   
    /// [`MalformedContentTypeWithoutBodyInput`](crate::input::MalformedContentTypeWithoutBodyInput) using modelled bindings.
 1832   2822   
    pub struct MalformedContentTypeWithoutBodyInputFuture {
 1833   2823   
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::MalformedContentTypeWithoutBodyInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_json_1::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
 1834   2824   
 1835   2825   
@@ -23317,24307 +23376,24409 @@
23337  24327   
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(400).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
23338  24328   
23339  24329   
23340  24330   
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "SerializationException")];
23341  24331   
23342  24332   
23343  24333   
23344  24334   
23345  24335   
23346  24336   
       24337  +
    /// When the union is an empty object, it has no fields set, so the
       24338  +
    /// response should be a 400 SerializationException.
       24339  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonMalformedUnionEmptyObjectNoFieldsSet
       24340  +
       24341  +
       24342  +
    async fn rest_json_malformed_union_empty_object_no_fields_set_malformed_request() {
       24343  +
       24344  +
       24345  +
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
       24346  +
       24347  +
       24348  +
                .header("content-type", "application/json")
       24349  +
       24350  +
                    ::bytes::Bytes::from_static("{ \"union\" : {  } }".as_bytes()),
       24351  +
       24352  +
       24353  +
       24354  +
            let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
       24355  +
            let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
       24356  +
            let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
       24357  +
                            .malformed_union(move |input: crate::input::MalformedUnionInput| {
       24358  +
                                let sender = sender.clone();
       24359  +
                                async move {
       24360  +
                                    let result = { panic!("request should have been rejected, but we accepted it; we parsed operation input `{:?}`", &input) as crate::output::MalformedUnionOutput };
       24361  +
                                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
       24362  +
       24363  +
       24364  +
       24365  +
       24366  +
            let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
       24367  +
       24368  +
                .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
       24369  +
       24370  +
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(400).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
       24371  +
       24372  +
       24373  +
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "SerializationException")];
       24374  +
       24375  +
       24376  +
       24377  +
       24378  +
       24379  +
23347  24380   
    /// When the union value is actually an array, the response should be a 400
23348  24381   
    /// SerializationException.
23349  24382   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonMalformedUnionValueIsArray
23350  24383   
23351  24384   
23352  24385   
    async fn rest_json_malformed_union_value_is_array_malformed_request() {
23353  24386   
23354  24387   
23355  24388   
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
23356  24389   
@@ -34308,35341 +34423,35588 @@
34328  35361   
34329  35362   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonStringPayloadRequest
34330  35363   
34331  35364   
34332  35365   
34333  35366   
    async fn rest_json_string_payload_request_request() {
34334  35367   
34335  35368   
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
34336  35369   
34337  35370   
       35371  +
            .header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
34338  35372   
34339  35373   
34340  35374   
34341  35375   
34342  35376   
34343  35377   
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
34344  35378   
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
34345  35379   
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
34346  35380   
            .http_string_payload(move |input: crate::input::HttpStringPayloadInput| {
34347  35381   
                let sender = sender.clone();
34348  35382   
                async move {
34349  35383   
                    let result = {
34350  35384   
                        let expected = crate::input::HttpStringPayloadInput {
34351  35385   
                            payload: ::std::option::Option::Some("rawstring".to_owned()),
34352  35386   
34353  35387   
                        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
34354  35388   
                        let response = crate::output::HttpStringPayloadOutput {
34355  35389   
                            payload: ::std::option::Option::None,
34356  35390   
34357  35391   
34358  35392   
34359  35393   
                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
34360  35394   
34361  35395   
34362  35396   
34363  35397   
34364  35398   
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
34365  35399   
34366  35400   
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
34367  35401   
34368  35402   
34369  35403   
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
34370  35404   
34371  35405   
34372  35406   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonStringPayloadResponse
34373  35407   
34374  35408   
34375  35409   
    async fn rest_json_string_payload_response_response() {
34376  35410   
        let output = crate::output::HttpStringPayloadOutput {
34377  35411   
            payload: ::std::option::Option::Some("rawstring".to_owned()),
34378  35412   
34379  35413   
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::IntoResponse;
34380  35414   
        let http_response = output.into_response();
34381  35415   
34382  35416   
            http::StatusCode::from_u16(200).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
34383  35417   
34384  35418   
       35419  +
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "text/plain")];
       35420  +
       35421  +
       35422  +
       35423  +
34385  35424   
        let body = ::hyper::body::to_bytes(http_response.into_body())
34386  35425   
34387  35426   
            .expect("unable to extract body to bytes");
34388  35427   
34389  35428   
34390  35429   
34391         -
       35430  +
       35431  +
       35432  +
       35433  +
    /// Serializes a string in the HTTP payload without a content-type header
       35434  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonStringPayloadNoContentType
       35435  +
       35436  +
       35437  +
    async fn rest_json_string_payload_no_content_type_malformed_request() {
       35438  +
       35439  +
       35440  +
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
       35441  +
       35442  +
       35443  +
       35444  +
       35445  +
       35446  +
       35447  +
       35448  +
            let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
       35449  +
            let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
       35450  +
            let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
       35451  +
                            .http_string_payload(move |input: crate::input::HttpStringPayloadInput| {
       35452  +
                                let sender = sender.clone();
       35453  +
                                async move {
       35454  +
                                    let result = { panic!("request should have been rejected, but we accepted it; we parsed operation input `{:?}`", &input) as crate::output::HttpStringPayloadOutput };
       35455  +
                                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
       35456  +
       35457  +
       35458  +
       35459  +
       35460  +
            let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
       35461  +
       35462  +
                .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
       35463  +
       35464  +
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(415).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
       35465  +
       35466  +
       35467  +
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "UnsupportedMediaTypeException")];
       35468  +
       35469  +
       35470  +
34392  35471   
34393  35472   
       35473  +
       35474  +
    /// Serializes a string in the HTTP payload without the expected content-type header
       35475  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonStringPayloadWrongContentType
       35476  +
       35477  +
       35478  +
    async fn rest_json_string_payload_wrong_content_type_malformed_request() {
       35479  +
       35480  +
       35481  +
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
       35482  +
       35483  +
       35484  +
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
       35485  +
       35486  +
       35487  +
       35488  +
       35489  +
       35490  +
            let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
       35491  +
            let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
       35492  +
            let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
       35493  +
                            .http_string_payload(move |input: crate::input::HttpStringPayloadInput| {
       35494  +
                                let sender = sender.clone();
       35495  +
                                async move {
       35496  +
                                    let result = { panic!("request should have been rejected, but we accepted it; we parsed operation input `{:?}`", &input) as crate::output::HttpStringPayloadOutput };
       35497  +
                                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
       35498  +
       35499  +
       35500  +
       35501  +
       35502  +
            let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
       35503  +
       35504  +
                .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
       35505  +
       35506  +
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(415).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
       35507  +
       35508  +
       35509  +
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "UnsupportedMediaTypeException")];
       35510  +
       35511  +
       35512  +
       35513  +
       35514  +
       35515  +
       35516  +
    /// Serializes a string in the HTTP payload with an unstatisfiable accept header
       35517  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonStringPayloadUnsatisfiableAccept
       35518  +
       35519  +
       35520  +
    async fn rest_json_string_payload_unsatisfiable_accept_malformed_request() {
       35521  +
       35522  +
       35523  +
            let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
       35524  +
       35525  +
       35526  +
                .header("Accept", "application/json")
       35527  +
                .header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
       35528  +
       35529  +
       35530  +
       35531  +
       35532  +
       35533  +
            let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
       35534  +
            let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
       35535  +
            let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
       35536  +
                            .http_string_payload(move |input: crate::input::HttpStringPayloadInput| {
       35537  +
                                let sender = sender.clone();
       35538  +
                                async move {
       35539  +
                                    let result = { panic!("request should have been rejected, but we accepted it; we parsed operation input `{:?}`", &input) as crate::output::HttpStringPayloadOutput };
       35540  +
                                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
       35541  +
       35542  +
       35543  +
       35544  +
       35545  +
            let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
       35546  +
       35547  +
                .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
       35548  +
       35549  +
                http::StatusCode::from_u16(406).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
       35550  +
       35551  +
       35552  +
            let expected_headers = [("x-amzn-errortype", "NotAcceptableException")];
       35553  +
       35554  +
       35555  +
       35556  +
       35557  +
       35558  +
34394  35559   
34395  35560   
34396  35561   
static CONTENT_TYPE_HTTPENUMPAYLOAD: ::once_cell::sync::Lazy<::mime::Mime> =
34397  35562   
    ::once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| {
34398  35563   
34399  35564   
34400  35565   
            .expect("BUG: MIME parsing failed, content_type is not valid")
34401  35566   
34402  35567   
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
34403  35568   
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
@@ -34492,35657 +34606,35777 @@
34512  35677   
34513  35678   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonEnumPayloadRequest
34514  35679   
34515  35680   
34516  35681   
34517  35682   
    async fn rest_json_enum_payload_request_request() {
34518  35683   
34519  35684   
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
34520  35685   
34521  35686   
       35687  +
            .header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
34522  35688   
34523  35689   
34524  35690   
34525  35691   
34526  35692   
34527  35693   
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
34528  35694   
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
34529  35695   
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
34530  35696   
            .http_enum_payload(move |input: crate::input::HttpEnumPayloadInput| {
34531  35697   
                let sender = sender.clone();
34532  35698   
                async move {
34533  35699   
                    let result = {
34534  35700   
                        let expected = crate::input::HttpEnumPayloadInput {
34535  35701   
                            payload: ::std::option::Option::Some(
34536  35702   
34537  35703   
34538  35704   
                                    .expect("static value validated to member"),
34539  35705   
34540  35706   
34541  35707   
                        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
34542  35708   
                        let response = crate::output::HttpEnumPayloadOutput {
34543  35709   
                            payload: ::std::option::Option::None,
34544  35710   
34545  35711   
34546  35712   
34547  35713   
                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
34548  35714   
34549  35715   
34550  35716   
34551  35717   
34552  35718   
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
34553  35719   
34554  35720   
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
34555  35721   
34556  35722   
34557  35723   
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
34558  35724   
34559  35725   
34560  35726   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonEnumPayloadResponse
34561  35727   
34562  35728   
34563  35729   
    async fn rest_json_enum_payload_response_response() {
34564  35730   
        let output = crate::output::HttpEnumPayloadOutput {
34565  35731   
            payload: ::std::option::Option::Some(
34566  35732   
34567  35733   
34568  35734   
                    .expect("static value validated to member"),
34569  35735   
34570  35736   
34571  35737   
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::IntoResponse;
34572  35738   
        let http_response = output.into_response();
34573  35739   
34574  35740   
            http::StatusCode::from_u16(200).expect("invalid expected HTTP status code"),
34575  35741   
34576  35742   
       35743  +
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "text/plain")];
       35744  +
       35745  +
       35746  +
       35747  +
34577  35748   
        let body = ::hyper::body::to_bytes(http_response.into_body())
34578  35749   
34579  35750   
            .expect("unable to extract body to bytes");
34580  35751   
34581  35752   
34582  35753   
34583  35754   
34584  35755   
34585  35756   
34586  35757   
@@ -35130,36301 +35189,36409 @@
35150  36321   
35151  36322   
35152  36323   
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
35153  36324   
35154  36325   
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
35155  36326   
35156  36327   
35157  36328   
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
35158  36329   
35159  36330   
       36331  +
    /// Servers must accept no content type for blob inputs
       36332  +
    /// without the media type trait.
       36333  +
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithBlobAcceptsNoContentType
       36334  +
       36335  +
       36336  +
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_blob_accepts_no_content_type_request() {
       36337  +
       36338  +
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
       36339  +
       36340  +
       36341  +
            .header("X-Foo", "Foo")
       36342  +
       36343  +
                ::bytes::Bytes::from_static("This is definitely a jpeg".as_bytes()),
       36344  +
       36345  +
       36346  +
       36347  +
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
       36348  +
        let config = crate::service::RestJsonConfig::builder().build();
       36349  +
        let service = crate::service::RestJson::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
       36350  +
            .http_payload_traits(move |input: crate::input::HttpPayloadTraitsInput| {
       36351  +
                let sender = sender.clone();
       36352  +
                async move {
       36353  +
                    let result = {
       36354  +
                        let expected = crate::input::HttpPayloadTraitsInput {
       36355  +
                            foo: ::std::option::Option::Some("Foo".to_owned()),
       36356  +
                            blob: ::std::option::Option::Some(::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new(
       36357  +
                                "This is definitely a jpeg",
       36358  +
       36359  +
       36360  +
                        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
       36361  +
                        let response = crate::output::HttpPayloadTraitsOutput {
       36362  +
                            foo: ::std::option::Option::None,
       36363  +
                            blob: ::std::option::Option::None,
       36364  +
       36365  +
       36366  +
       36367  +
                    sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
       36368  +
       36369  +
       36370  +
       36371  +
       36372  +
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
       36373  +
       36374  +
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
       36375  +
       36376  +
       36377  +
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
       36378  +
       36379  +
35160  36380   
    /// Servers must accept any accept header for blob inputs
35161  36381   
    /// without the media type trait.
35162  36382   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithBlobAcceptsAllAccepts
35163  36383   
35164  36384   
35165  36385   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_blob_accepts_all_accepts_request() {
35166  36386   
35167  36387   
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
35168  36388   
35169  36389   