Server Test

Server Test

rev. 0b749be6d000fdc7ef59d1bc26f1dce00358d95c

Files changed:


@@ -1,0 +58,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
#[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
    3         -
    4         -
    ::std::clone::Clone, ::std::cmp::Eq, ::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::fmt::Debug, ::std::hash::Hash,
    5         -
    6         -
pub struct ContentTypeParametersInput {
    7         -
    #[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
    8         -
    pub value: ::std::option::Option<i32>,
    9         -
   10         -
impl ContentTypeParametersInput {
   11         -
    #[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
   12         -
    pub fn value(&self) -> ::std::option::Option<i32> {
   13         -
   14         -
   15         -
   16         -
impl ContentTypeParametersInput {
   17         -
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ContentTypeParametersInput`](crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput).
   18         -
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::content_type_parameters_input::Builder {
   19         -
   20         -
   21         -
   22         -
impl crate::constrained::Constrained for crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput {
   23         -
    type Unconstrained = crate::input::content_type_parameters_input::Builder;
   24         -
   25         -
/// See [`ContentTypeParametersInput`](crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput).
   26         -
   27         -
pub mod content_type_parameters_input {
   28         -
   29         -
    impl ::std::convert::From<Builder> for crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput {
   30         -
        fn from(builder: Builder) -> Self {
   31         -
   32         -
   33         -
   34         -
    /// A builder for [`ContentTypeParametersInput`](crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput).
   35         -
    #[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::default::Default, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
   36         -
    pub struct Builder {
   37         -
        pub(crate) value: ::std::option::Option<i32>,
   38         -
   39         -
    impl Builder {
   40         -
        #[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
   41         -
        pub fn value(mut self, input: ::std::option::Option<i32>) -> Self {
   42         -
            self.value = input;
   43         -
   44         -
   45         -
        #[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
   46         -
        pub(crate) fn set_value(mut self, input: Option<impl ::std::convert::Into<i32>>) -> Self {
   47         -
            self.value =|v| v.into());
   48         -
   49         -
   50         -
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ContentTypeParametersInput`](crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput).
   51         -
        pub fn build(self) -> crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput {
   52         -
   53         -
   54         -
        fn build_enforcing_all_constraints(self) -> crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput {
   55         -
            crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput { value: self.value }
   56         -
   57         -
   58         -


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   18         -
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
   19         -
//! A REST XML service that sends XML requests and responses.
   20         -
   21         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
   22         -
//! A fast and customizable Rust implementation of the RestXmlExtras Smithy service.
   23         -
   24         -
//! # Using RestXmlExtras
   25         -
   26         -
//! The primary entrypoint is [`RestXmlExtras`]: it satisfies the [`Service<http::Request, Response = http::Response>`](::tower::Service)
   27         -
//! trait and therefore can be handed to a [`hyper` server]( via [`RestXmlExtras::into_make_service`] or used in Lambda via [`LambdaHandler`](::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::LambdaHandler).
   28         -
//! The [`crate::input`], and [`crate::output`],
   29         -
//! modules provide the types used in each operation.
   30         -
   31         -
//! ### Running on Hyper
   32         -
   33         -
//! ```rust,no_run
   34         -
//! # use std::net::SocketAddr;
   35         -
//! # async fn dummy() {
   36         -
//! use rest_xml_extras::{RestXmlExtras, RestXmlExtrasConfig};
   37         -
   38         -
//! # let app = RestXmlExtras::builder(
   39         -
//! #     RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder()
   40         -
//! #         .build()
   41         -
//! # ).build_unchecked();
   42         -
//! let server = app.into_make_service();
   43         -
//! let bind: SocketAddr = "".parse()
   44         -
//!     .expect("unable to parse the server bind address and port");
   45         -
//! ::hyper::Server::bind(&bind).serve(server).await.unwrap();
   46         -
//! # }
   47         -
//! ```
   48         -
   49         -
//! ### Running on Lambda
   50         -
   51         -
//! This requires the `aws-lambda` feature flag to be passed to the [`::aws_smithy_http_server`] crate.
   52         -
   53         -
//! ```rust,ignore
   54         -
//! use ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::LambdaHandler;
   55         -
//! use rest_xml_extras::RestXmlExtras;
   56         -
   57         -
//! # async fn dummy() {
   58         -
//! # let app = RestXmlExtras::builder(
   59         -
//! #     RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder()
   60         -
//! #         .build()
   61         -
//! # ).build_unchecked();
   62         -
//! let handler = LambdaHandler::new(app);
   63         -
//! lambda_http::run(handler).await.unwrap();
   64         -
//! # }
   65         -
//! ```
   66         -
   67         -
//! # Building the RestXmlExtras
   68         -
   69         -
//! To construct [`RestXmlExtras`] we use [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder`] returned by [`RestXmlExtras::builder`].
   70         -
   71         -
//! ## Plugins
   72         -
   73         -
//! The [`RestXmlExtras::builder`] method, returning [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder`],
   74         -
//! accepts a config object on which plugins can be registered.
   75         -
//! Plugins allow you to build middleware which is aware of the operation it is being applied to.
   76         -
   77         -
//! ```rust,no_run
   78         -
//! # use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::IdentityPlugin as LoggingPlugin;
   79         -
//! # use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::IdentityPlugin as MetricsPlugin;
   80         -
//! # use ::hyper::Body;
   81         -
//! use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpPlugins;
   82         -
//! use rest_xml_extras::{RestXmlExtras, RestXmlExtrasConfig, RestXmlExtrasBuilder};
   83         -
   84         -
//! let http_plugins = HttpPlugins::new()
   85         -
//!         .push(LoggingPlugin)
   86         -
//!         .push(MetricsPlugin);
   87         -
//! let config = RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder().build();
   88         -
//! let builder: RestXmlExtrasBuilder<Body, _, _, _> = RestXmlExtras::builder(config);
   89         -
//! ```
   90         -
   91         -
//! Check out [`::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin`] to learn more about plugins.
   92         -
   93         -
//! ## Handlers
   94         -
   95         -
//! [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder`] provides a setter method for each operation in your Smithy model. The setter methods expect an async function as input, matching the signature for the corresponding operation in your Smithy model.
   96         -
//! We call these async functions **handlers**. This is where your application business logic lives.
   97         -
   98         -
//! Every handler must take an `Input`, and optional [`extractor arguments`](::aws_smithy_http_server::request), while returning:
   99         -
  100         -
//! * A `Result<Output, Error>` if your operation has modeled errors, or
  101         -
//! * An `Output` otherwise.
  102         -
  103         -
//! ```rust,no_run
  104         -
//! # struct Input;
  105         -
//! # struct Output;
  106         -
//! # struct Error;
  107         -
//! async fn infallible_handler(input: Input) -> Output { todo!() }
  108         -
  109         -
//! async fn fallible_handler(input: Input) -> Result<Output, Error> { todo!() }
  110         -
//! ```
  111         -
  112         -
//! Handlers can accept up to 8 extractors:
  113         -
  114         -
//! ```rust,no_run
  115         -
//! # struct Input;
  116         -
//! # struct Output;
  117         -
//! # struct Error;
  118         -
//! # struct State;
  119         -
//! # use std::net::SocketAddr;
  120         -
//! use ::aws_smithy_http_server::request::{extension::Extension, connect_info::ConnectInfo};
  121         -
  122         -
//! async fn handler_with_no_extensions(input: Input) -> Output {
  123         -
//!     todo!()
  124         -
//! }
  125         -
  126         -
//! async fn handler_with_one_extractor(input: Input, ext: Extension<State>) -> Output {
  127         -
//!     todo!()
  128         -
//! }
  129         -
  130         -
//! async fn handler_with_two_extractors(
  131         -
//!     input: Input,
  132         -
//!     ext0: Extension<State>,
  133         -
//!     ext1: ConnectInfo<SocketAddr>,
  134         -
//! ) -> Output {
  135         -
//!     todo!()
  136         -
//! }
  137         -
//! ```
  138         -
  139         -
//! See the [`operation module`](::aws_smithy_http_server::operation) for information on precisely what constitutes a handler.
  140         -
  141         -
//! ## Build
  142         -
  143         -
//! You can convert [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder`] into [`RestXmlExtras`] using either [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build`] or [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build_unchecked`].
  144         -
  145         -
//! [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build`] requires you to provide a handler for every single operation in your Smithy model. It will return an error if that is not the case.
  146         -
  147         -
//! [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build_unchecked`], instead, does not require exhaustiveness. The server will automatically return 500 Internal Server Error to all requests for operations that do not have a registered handler.
  148         -
//! [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build_unchecked`] is particularly useful if you are deploying your Smithy service as a collection of Lambda functions, where each Lambda is only responsible for a subset of the operations in the Smithy service (or even a single one!).
  149         -
  150         -
//! # Example
  151         -
  152         -
//! ```rust,no_run
  153         -
//! # use std::net::SocketAddr;
  154         -
//! use rest_xml_extras::{RestXmlExtras, RestXmlExtrasConfig};
  155         -
  156         -
//! #[::tokio::main]
  157         -
//! pub async fn main() {
  158         -
//!    let config = RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder().build();
  159         -
//!    let app = RestXmlExtras::builder(config)
  160         -
//!        .content_type_parameters(content_type_parameters)
  161         -
//!        .build()
  162         -
//!        .expect("failed to build an instance of RestXmlExtras");
  163         -
  164         -
//!    let bind: SocketAddr = "".parse()
  165         -
//!        .expect("unable to parse the server bind address and port");
  166         -
//!    let server = ::hyper::Server::bind(&bind).serve(app.into_make_service());
  167         -
//!    # let server = async { Ok::<_, ()>(()) };
  168         -
  169         -
//!    // Run your service!
  170         -
//!    if let Err(err) = server.await {
  171         -
//!        eprintln!("server error: {:?}", err);
  172         -
//!    }
  173         -
//! }
  174         -
  175         -
//! use rest_xml_extras::{input, output};
  176         -
  177         -
//! async fn content_type_parameters(input: input::ContentTypeParametersInput) -> output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {
  178         -
//!     todo!()
  179         -
//! }
  180         -
  181         -
//! ```
  182         -
  183         -
//! [`serve`]:
  184         -
//! [`tower::make::MakeService`]:
  185         -
//! [HTTP binding traits]:
  186         -
//! [operations]:
  187         -
//! [hyper server]:
  188         -
//! [Service]:
  189         -
pub use crate::service::{
  190         -
    MissingOperationsError, RestXmlExtras, RestXmlExtrasBuilder, RestXmlExtrasConfig,
  191         -
  192         -
  193         -
  194         -
/// Crate version number.
  195         -
pub static PKG_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
  196         -
  197         -
/// All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
  198         -
pub mod error;
  199         -
  200         -
/// Input structures for operations. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
  201         -
pub mod input;
  202         -
  203         -
/// All operations that this crate can perform.
  204         -
pub mod operation;
  205         -
  206         -
/// A collection of types representing each operation defined in the service closure.
  207         -
  208         -
/// The [plugin system](::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin) makes use of these
  209         -
/// [zero-sized types]( (ZSTs) to
  210         -
/// parameterize [`Plugin`](::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin) implementations. Their traits, such as
  211         -
/// [`OperationShape`](::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationShape), can be used to provide
  212         -
/// operation specific information to the [`Layer`](::tower::Layer) being applied.
  213         -
pub mod operation_shape;
  214         -
  215         -
/// Output structures for operations. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
  216         -
pub mod output;
  217         -
  218         -
/// Contains the types that are re-exported from the `aws-smithy-http-server` crate.
  219         -
pub mod server;
  220         -
  221         -
mod service;
  222         -
  223         -
/// Data primitives referenced by other data types.
  224         -
pub mod types;
  225         -
  226         -
/// Constrained types for constrained shapes.
  227         -
mod constrained;
  228         -
  229         -
pub(crate) mod protocol_serde;


@@ -1,0 +126,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
    3         -
::pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
    4         -
    /// A [`Future`](std::future::Future) aggregating the body bytes of a [`Request`] and constructing the
    5         -
    /// [`ContentTypeParametersInput`](crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput) using modelled bindings.
    6         -
    pub struct ContentTypeParametersInputFuture {
    7         -
        inner: std::pin::Pin<Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_xml::runtime_error::RuntimeError>> + Send>>
    8         -
    9         -
   10         -
   11         -
impl std::future::Future for ContentTypeParametersInputFuture {
   12         -
    type Output = Result<
   13         -
   14         -
   15         -
   16         -
   17         -
    fn poll(
   18         -
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
   19         -
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
   20         -
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
   21         -
        let this = self.project();
   22         -
   23         -
   24         -
   25         -
   26         -
   27         -
   28         -
   29         -
   30         -
    > for crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput
   31         -
   32         -
    B: ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody + Send,
   33         -
    B: 'static,
   34         -
   35         -
    B::Data: Send,
   36         -
   37         -
        From<<B as ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::HttpBody>::Error>,
   38         -
   39         -
    type Rejection = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_xml::runtime_error::RuntimeError;
   40         -
    type Future = ContentTypeParametersInputFuture;
   41         -
   42         -
    fn from_request(request: ::http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
   43         -
        let fut = async move {
   44         -
   45         -
   46         -
   47         -
   48         -
        use ::futures_util::future::TryFutureExt;
   49         -
        let fut = fut.map_err(
   50         -
            |e: ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_xml::rejection::RequestRejection| {
   51         -
                ::tracing::debug!(error = %e, "failed to deserialize request");
   52         -
   53         -
   54         -
   55         -
        ContentTypeParametersInputFuture {
   56         -
            inner: Box::pin(fut),
   57         -
   58         -
   59         -
   60         -
   61         -
   62         -
   63         -
    > for crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput
   64         -
   65         -
    fn into_response(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::Response {
   66         -
        match crate::protocol_serde::shape_content_type_parameters::ser_content_type_parameters_http_response(self) {
   67         -
                        Ok(response) => response,
   68         -
                        Err(e) => {
   69         -
                            ::tracing::error!(error = %e, "failed to serialize response");
   70         -
   71         -
   72         -
   73         -
   74         -
   75         -
   76         -
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
   77         -
   78         -
mod content_type_parameters_test {
   79         -
   80         -
    /// A server should ignore parameters added to the content type
   81         -
    /// Test ID: RestXmlMustSupportParametersInContentType
   82         -
   83         -
   84         -
    async fn rest_xml_must_support_parameters_in_content_type_request() {
   85         -
   86         -
        let mut http_request = http::Request::builder()
   87         -
   88         -
   89         -
            .header("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8")
   90         -
   91         -
   92         -
   93         -
   94         -
   95         -
   96         -
   97         -
   98         -
        let (sender, mut receiver) = ::tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);
   99         -
        let config = crate::service::RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder().build();
  100         -
        let service =
  101         -
            crate::service::RestXmlExtras::builder::<::hyper::body::Body, _, _, _>(config)
  102         -
                .content_type_parameters(move |input: crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput| {
  103         -
                    let sender = sender.clone();
  104         -
                    async move {
  105         -
                        let result = {
  106         -
                            let expected = crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput {
  107         -
                                value: ::std::option::Option::Some(5),
  108         -
  109         -
                            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(input, expected);
  110         -
                            let response = crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {};
  111         -
  112         -
  113         -
                        sender.send(()).await.expect("receiver dropped early");
  114         -
  115         -
  116         -
  117         -
  118         -
        let http_response = ::tower::ServiceExt::oneshot(service, http_request)
  119         -
  120         -
            .expect("unable to make an HTTP request");
  121         -
  122         -
  123         -
            "we expected operation handler to be invoked but it was not entered"
  124         -
  125         -
  126         -


@@ -1,0 +39,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
    3         -
/// The example tests how servers must support requests containing a `Content-Type` header with parameters.
    4         -
pub struct ContentTypeParameters;
    5         -
    6         -
impl ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationShape for ContentTypeParameters {
    7         -
    const ID: ::aws_smithy_http_server::shape_id::ShapeId =
    8         -
    9         -
   10         -
   11         -
   12         -
   13         -
   14         -
    type Input = crate::input::ContentTypeParametersInput;
   15         -
    type Output = crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput;
   16         -
    type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
   17         -
   18         -
   19         -
impl ::aws_smithy_http_server::instrumentation::sensitivity::Sensitivity for ContentTypeParameters {
   20         -
    type RequestFmt = ::aws_smithy_http_server::instrumentation::sensitivity::RequestFmt<
   21         -
   22         -
   23         -
   24         -
   25         -
   26         -
   27         -
    type ResponseFmt = ::aws_smithy_http_server::instrumentation::sensitivity::ResponseFmt<
   28         -
   29         -
   30         -
   31         -
   32         -
    fn request_fmt() -> Self::RequestFmt {
   33         -
   34         -
   35         -
   36         -
    fn response_fmt() -> Self::ResponseFmt {
   37         -
   38         -
   39         -


@@ -1,0 +34,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
#[allow(missing_docs)] // documentation missing in model
    3         -
    4         -
    ::std::clone::Clone, ::std::cmp::Eq, ::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::fmt::Debug, ::std::hash::Hash,
    5         -
    6         -
pub struct ContentTypeParametersOutput {}
    7         -
impl ContentTypeParametersOutput {
    8         -
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ContentTypeParametersOutput`](crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput).
    9         -
    pub fn builder() -> crate::output::content_type_parameters_output::Builder {
   10         -
   11         -
   12         -
   13         -
/// See [`ContentTypeParametersOutput`](crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput).
   14         -
   15         -
pub mod content_type_parameters_output {
   16         -
   17         -
    impl ::std::convert::From<Builder> for crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {
   18         -
        fn from(builder: Builder) -> Self {
   19         -
   20         -
   21         -
   22         -
    /// A builder for [`ContentTypeParametersOutput`](crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput).
   23         -
    #[derive(::std::clone::Clone, ::std::default::Default, ::std::fmt::Debug)]
   24         -
    pub struct Builder {}
   25         -
    impl Builder {
   26         -
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ContentTypeParametersOutput`](crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput).
   27         -
        pub fn build(self) -> crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {
   28         -
   29         -
   30         -
        fn build_enforcing_all_constraints(self) -> crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {
   31         -
            crate::output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {}
   32         -
   33         -
   34         -


@@ -1,0 +2,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
pub(crate) mod shape_content_type_parameters;


@@ -1,0 +39,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
pub mod body {
    3         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::body::BoxBody;
    4         -
    5         -
pub mod operation {
    6         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationShape;
    7         -
    8         -
pub mod plugin {
    9         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpMarker;
   10         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpPlugins;
   11         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::ModelMarker;
   12         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::ModelPlugins;
   13         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin;
   14         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::PluginStack;
   15         -
   16         -
pub mod request {
   17         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::request::FromParts;
   18         -
   19         -
    #[cfg(feature = "aws-lambda")]
   20         -
    pub mod lambda {
   21         -
        pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::request::lambda::Context;
   22         -
   23         -
   24         -
pub mod response {
   25         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::response::IntoResponse;
   26         -
   27         -
pub mod routing {
   28         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::IntoMakeService;
   29         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::IntoMakeServiceWithConnectInfo;
   30         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Router;
   31         -
   32         -
    #[cfg(feature = "aws-lambda")]
   33         -
    pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::LambdaHandler;
   34         -
   35         -
   36         -
pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::instrumentation;
   37         -
pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol;
   38         -
   39         -
pub use ::aws_smithy_http_server::Extension;


@@ -1,0 +720,0 @@
    1         -
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
    2         -
/// The service builder for [`RestXmlExtras`].
    3         -
    4         -
/// Constructed via [`RestXmlExtras::builder`].
    5         -
pub struct RestXmlExtrasBuilder<Body, L, HttpPl, ModelPl> {
    6         -
    content_type_parameters: Option<::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Route<Body>>,
    7         -
    layer: L,
    8         -
    http_plugin: HttpPl,
    9         -
    model_plugin: ModelPl,
   10         -
   11         -
   12         -
impl<Body, L, HttpPl, ModelPl> RestXmlExtrasBuilder<Body, L, HttpPl, ModelPl> {
   13         -
    /// Sets the [`ContentTypeParameters`](crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters) operation.
   14         -
   15         -
    /// This should be an async function satisfying the [`Handler`](::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::Handler) trait.
   16         -
    /// See the [operation module documentation](::aws_smithy_http_server::operation) for more information.
   17         -
   18         -
    /// # Example
   19         -
   20         -
    /// ```no_run
   21         -
    /// use rest_xml_extras::{RestXmlExtras, RestXmlExtrasConfig};
   22         -
   23         -
    /// use rest_xml_extras::{input, output};
   24         -
   25         -
    /// async fn handler(input: input::ContentTypeParametersInput) -> output::ContentTypeParametersOutput {
   26         -
    ///     todo!()
   27         -
    /// }
   28         -
   29         -
    /// let config = RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder().build();
   30         -
    /// let app = RestXmlExtras::builder(config)
   31         -
    ///     .content_type_parameters(handler)
   32         -
    ///     /* Set other handlers */
   33         -
    ///     .build()
   34         -
    ///     .unwrap();
   35         -
    /// # let app: RestXmlExtras<::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::RoutingService<::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest::router::RestRouter<::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Route>, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_xml::RestXml>> = app;
   36         -
    /// ```
   37         -
   38         -
                    pub fn content_type_parameters<HandlerType, HandlerExtractors, UpgradeExtractors>(self, handler: HandlerType) -> Self
   39         -
   40         -
                        HandlerType: ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::Handler<crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters, HandlerExtractors>,
   41         -
   42         -
                        ModelPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
   43         -
   44         -
   45         -
                            ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::IntoService<crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters, HandlerType>
   46         -
   47         -
                        ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::UpgradePlugin::<UpgradeExtractors>: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
   48         -
   49         -
   50         -
   51         -
   52         -
                        HttpPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
   53         -
   54         -
   55         -
   56         -
   57         -
                                as ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
   58         -
   59         -
   60         -
   61         -
   62         -
   63         -
   64         -
   65         -
                        HttpPl::Output: ::tower::Service<::http::Request<Body>, Response = ::http::Response<::aws_smithy_http_server::body::BoxBody>, Error = ::std::convert::Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
   66         -
                        <HttpPl::Output as ::tower::Service<::http::Request<Body>>>::Future: Send + 'static,
   67         -
   68         -
   69         -
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationShapeExt;
   70         -
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin;
   71         -
        let svc = crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters::from_handler(handler);
   72         -
        let svc = self.model_plugin.apply(svc);
   73         -
        let svc = ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::UpgradePlugin::<UpgradeExtractors>::new()
   74         -
   75         -
        let svc = self.http_plugin.apply(svc);
   76         -
   77         -
   78         -
   79         -
    /// Sets the [`ContentTypeParameters`](crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters) operation.
   80         -
   81         -
    /// This should be an async function satisfying the [`Handler`](::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::Handler) trait.
   82         -
    /// See the [operation module documentation](::aws_smithy_http_server::operation) for more information.
   83         -
   84         -
    /// # Example
   85         -
   86         -
    /// ```no_run
   87         -
    /// use rest_xml_extras::{RestXmlExtras, RestXmlExtrasConfig};
   88         -
   89         -
    /// use rest_xml_extras::{input, output};
   90         -
   91         -
    /// async fn handler(input: input::ContentTypeParametersInput) -> Result<output::ContentTypeParametersOutput, std::convert::Infallible> {
   92         -
    ///     todo!()
   93         -
    /// }
   94         -
   95         -
    /// let config = RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder().build();
   96         -
    /// let svc = ::tower::util::service_fn(handler);
   97         -
    /// let app = RestXmlExtras::builder(config)
   98         -
    ///     .content_type_parameters_service(svc)
   99         -
    ///     /* Set other handlers */
  100         -
    ///     .build()
  101         -
    ///     .unwrap();
  102         -
    /// # let app: RestXmlExtras<::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::RoutingService<::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest::router::RestRouter<::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Route>, ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_xml::RestXml>> = app;
  103         -
    /// ```
  104         -
  105         -
                    pub fn content_type_parameters_service<S, ServiceExtractors, UpgradeExtractors>(self, service: S) -> Self
  106         -
  107         -
                        S: ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationService<crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters, ServiceExtractors>,
  108         -
  109         -
                        ModelPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
  110         -
  111         -
  112         -
                            ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::Normalize<crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters, S>
  113         -
  114         -
                        ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::UpgradePlugin::<UpgradeExtractors>: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
  115         -
  116         -
  117         -
  118         -
  119         -
                        HttpPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
  120         -
  121         -
  122         -
  123         -
  124         -
                                as ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin<
  125         -
  126         -
  127         -
  128         -
  129         -
  130         -
  131         -
  132         -
                        HttpPl::Output: ::tower::Service<::http::Request<Body>, Response = ::http::Response<::aws_smithy_http_server::body::BoxBody>, Error = ::std::convert::Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
  133         -
                        <HttpPl::Output as ::tower::Service<::http::Request<Body>>>::Future: Send + 'static,
  134         -
  135         -
  136         -
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationShapeExt;
  137         -
        use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::Plugin;
  138         -
        let svc = crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters::from_service(service);
  139         -
        let svc = self.model_plugin.apply(svc);
  140         -
        let svc = ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::UpgradePlugin::<UpgradeExtractors>::new()
  141         -
  142         -
        let svc = self.http_plugin.apply(svc);
  143         -
  144         -
  145         -
  146         -
    /// Sets the [`ContentTypeParameters`](crate::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters) to a custom [`Service`](tower::Service).
  147         -
    /// not constrained by the Smithy contract.
  148         -
    fn content_type_parameters_custom<S>(mut self, svc: S) -> Self
  149         -
  150         -
        S: ::tower::Service<
  151         -
  152         -
                Response = ::http::Response<::aws_smithy_http_server::body::BoxBody>,
  153         -
                Error = ::std::convert::Infallible,
  154         -
            > + Clone
  155         -
            + Send
  156         -
            + 'static,
  157         -
        S::Future: Send + 'static,
  158         -
  159         -
        self.content_type_parameters = Some(::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Route::new(svc));
  160         -
  161         -
  162         -
  163         -
  164         -
impl<Body, L, HttpPl, ModelPl> RestXmlExtrasBuilder<Body, L, HttpPl, ModelPl> {
  165         -
    /// Constructs a [`RestXmlExtras`] from the arguments provided to the builder.
  166         -
  167         -
    /// Forgetting to register a handler for one or more operations will result in an error.
  168         -
  169         -
    /// Check out [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build_unchecked`] if you'd prefer the service to return status code 500 when an
  170         -
    /// unspecified route is requested.
  171         -
    pub fn build(
  172         -
  173         -
    ) -> Result<
  174         -
  175         -
  176         -
  177         -
  178         -
  179         -
  180         -
  181         -
  182         -
  183         -
        L: ::tower::Layer<::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Route<Body>>,
  184         -
  185         -
        let router = {
  186         -
            use ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::OperationShape;
  187         -
            let mut missing_operation_names = std::collections::HashMap::new();
  188         -
            if self.content_type_parameters.is_none() {
  189         -
  190         -
  191         -
  192         -
  193         -
  194         -
            if !missing_operation_names.is_empty() {
  195         -
                return Err(MissingOperationsError {
  196         -
                    operation_names2setter_methods: missing_operation_names,
  197         -
  198         -
  199         -
            let unexpected_error_msg = "this should never panic since we are supposed to check beforehand that a handler has been registered for this operation; please file a bug report under";
  200         -
  201         -
  202         -
  203         -
  204         -
  205         -
  206         -
        let svc = ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::RoutingService::new(router);
  207         -
        let svc =|s| s.layer(self.layer));
  208         -
        Ok(RestXmlExtras { svc })
  209         -
  210         -
  211         -
    /// Constructs a [`RestXmlExtras`] from the arguments provided to the builder.
  212         -
    /// Operations without a handler default to returning 500 Internal Server Error to the caller.
  213         -
  214         -
    /// Check out [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build`] if you'd prefer the builder to fail if one or more operations do
  215         -
    /// not have a registered handler.
  216         -
    pub fn build_unchecked(self) -> RestXmlExtras<L::Service>
  217         -
  218         -
        Body: Send + 'static,
  219         -
        L: ::tower::Layer<
  220         -
  221         -
  222         -
  223         -
  224         -
  225         -
  226         -
  227         -
  228         -
        let router = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest::router::RestRouter::from_iter([(
  229         -
  230         -
            self.content_type_parameters.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  231         -
                let svc = ::aws_smithy_http_server::operation::MissingFailure::<
  232         -
  233         -
  234         -
  235         -
  236         -
  237         -
        let svc = self
  238         -
  239         -
  240         -
  241         -
  242         -
        RestXmlExtras { svc }
  243         -
  244         -
  245         -
  246         -
/// The error encountered when calling the [`RestXmlExtrasBuilder::build`] method if one or more operation handlers are not
  247         -
/// specified.
  248         -
  249         -
pub struct MissingOperationsError {
  250         -
  251         -
        std::collections::HashMap<::aws_smithy_http_server::shape_id::ShapeId, &'static str>,
  252         -
  253         -
  254         -
impl std::fmt::Display for MissingOperationsError {
  255         -
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
  256         -
  257         -
  258         -
            "You must specify a handler for all operations attached to `RestXmlExtras`.\n\
  259         -
                            We are missing handlers for the following operations:\n",
  260         -
  261         -
        for operation_name in self.operation_names2setter_methods.keys() {
  262         -
            writeln!(f, "- {}", operation_name.absolute())?;
  263         -
  264         -
  265         -
        writeln!(f, "\nUse the dedicated methods on `RestXmlExtrasBuilder` to register the missing handlers:")?;
  266         -
        for setter_name in self.operation_names2setter_methods.values() {
  267         -
            writeln!(f, "- {}", setter_name)?;
  268         -
  269         -
  270         -
  271         -
  272         -
  273         -
impl std::error::Error for MissingOperationsError {}
  274         -
  275         -
mod request_specs {
  276         -
    pub(super) fn content_type_parameters(
  277         -
    ) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::request_spec::RequestSpec {
  278         -
  279         -
  280         -
  281         -
  282         -
  283         -
  284         -
  285         -
  286         -
  287         -
  288         -
  289         -
  290         -
  291         -
  292         -
  293         -
/// A REST XML service that sends XML requests and responses.
  294         -
  295         -
/// See the [root](crate) documentation for more information.
  296         -
  297         -
pub struct RestXmlExtras<
  298         -
    S = ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::RoutingService<
  299         -
  300         -
  301         -
  302         -
  303         -
  304         -
> {
  305         -
    // This is the router wrapped by layers.
  306         -
    svc: S,
  307         -
  308         -
  309         -
impl RestXmlExtras<()> {
  310         -
    /// Constructs a builder for [`RestXmlExtras`].
  311         -
    /// You must specify a configuration object holding any plugins and layers that should be applied
  312         -
    /// to the operations in this service.
  313         -
    pub fn builder<
  314         -
  315         -
  316         -
        HttpPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpMarker,
  317         -
        ModelPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::ModelMarker,
  318         -
  319         -
        config: RestXmlExtrasConfig<L, HttpPl, ModelPl>,
  320         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtrasBuilder<Body, L, HttpPl, ModelPl> {
  321         -
        RestXmlExtrasBuilder {
  322         -
            content_type_parameters: None,
  323         -
            layer: config.layers,
  324         -
            http_plugin: config.http_plugins,
  325         -
            model_plugin: config.model_plugins,
  326         -
  327         -
  328         -
  329         -
    /// Constructs a builder for [`RestXmlExtras`].
  330         -
    /// You must specify what plugins should be applied to the operations in this service.
  331         -
  332         -
    /// Use [`RestXmlExtras::builder_without_plugins`] if you don't need to apply plugins.
  333         -
  334         -
    /// Check out [`HttpPlugins`](::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpPlugins) and
  335         -
    /// [`ModelPlugins`](::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::ModelPlugins) if you need to apply
  336         -
    /// multiple plugins.
  337         -
  338         -
        since = "0.57.0",
  339         -
        note = "please use the `builder` constructor and register plugins on the `RestXmlExtrasConfig` object instead; see"
  340         -
  341         -
    pub fn builder_with_plugins<
  342         -
  343         -
        HttpPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpMarker,
  344         -
        ModelPl: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::ModelMarker,
  345         -
  346         -
        http_plugin: HttpPl,
  347         -
        model_plugin: ModelPl,
  348         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtrasBuilder<Body, ::tower::layer::util::Identity, HttpPl, ModelPl> {
  349         -
        RestXmlExtrasBuilder {
  350         -
            content_type_parameters: None,
  351         -
            layer: ::tower::layer::util::Identity::new(),
  352         -
  353         -
  354         -
  355         -
  356         -
  357         -
    /// Constructs a builder for [`RestXmlExtras`].
  358         -
  359         -
    /// Use [`RestXmlExtras::builder_with_plugins`] if you need to specify plugins.
  360         -
  361         -
        since = "0.57.0",
  362         -
        note = "please use the `builder` constructor instead; see"
  363         -
  364         -
    pub fn builder_without_plugins<Body>() -> RestXmlExtrasBuilder<
  365         -
  366         -
  367         -
  368         -
  369         -
    > {
  370         -
  371         -
  372         -
  373         -
  374         -
  375         -
  376         -
  377         -
impl<S> RestXmlExtras<S> {
  378         -
    /// Converts [`RestXmlExtras`] into a [`MakeService`](tower::make::MakeService).
  379         -
    pub fn into_make_service(self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::IntoMakeService<Self> {
  380         -
  381         -
  382         -
  383         -
    /// Converts [`RestXmlExtras`] into a [`MakeService`](tower::make::MakeService) with [`ConnectInfo`](::aws_smithy_http_server::request::connect_info::ConnectInfo).
  384         -
    pub fn into_make_service_with_connect_info<C>(
  385         -
  386         -
    ) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::IntoMakeServiceWithConnectInfo<Self, C> {
  387         -
  388         -
  389         -
  390         -
  391         -
  392         -
  393         -
  394         -
  395         -
  396         -
  397         -
  398         -
  399         -
    /// Applies a [`Layer`](::tower::Layer) uniformly to all routes.
  400         -
  401         -
        since = "0.57.0",
  402         -
        note = "please add layers to the `RestXmlExtrasConfig` object instead; see"
  403         -
  404         -
    pub fn layer<L>(
  405         -
  406         -
        layer: &L,
  407         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtras<
  408         -
  409         -
  410         -
  411         -
  412         -
  413         -
  414         -
        L: ::tower::Layer<S>,
  415         -
  416         -
        RestXmlExtras {
  417         -
            svc:|s| s.layer(layer)),
  418         -
  419         -
  420         -
  421         -
    /// Applies [`Route::new`](::aws_smithy_http_server::routing::Route::new) to all routes.
  422         -
  423         -
    /// This has the effect of erasing all types accumulated via layers.
  424         -
    pub fn boxed<B>(
  425         -
  426         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtras<
  427         -
  428         -
  429         -
  430         -
  431         -
  432         -
  433         -
  434         -
  435         -
        S: ::tower::Service<
  436         -
  437         -
            Response = ::http::Response<::aws_smithy_http_server::body::BoxBody>,
  438         -
            Error = std::convert::Infallible,
  439         -
  440         -
        S: Clone + Send + 'static,
  441         -
        S::Future: Send + 'static,
  442         -
  443         -
  444         -
  445         -
  446         -
  447         -
  448         -
  449         -
impl<S, R> ::tower::Service<R> for RestXmlExtras<S>
  450         -
  451         -
    S: ::tower::Service<R>,
  452         -
  453         -
    type Response = S::Response;
  454         -
    type Error = S::Error;
  455         -
    type Future = S::Future;
  456         -
  457         -
    fn poll_ready(
  458         -
        &mut self,
  459         -
        cx: &mut std::task::Context,
  460         -
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
  461         -
  462         -
  463         -
  464         -
    fn call(&mut self, request: R) -> Self::Future {
  465         -
  466         -
  467         -
  468         -
  469         -
/// An enumeration of all [operations]( in RestXmlExtras.
  470         -
  471         -
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
  472         -
pub enum Operation {
  473         -
  474         -
  475         -
  476         -
impl Operation {
  477         -
    /// Returns the [operations]( [`ShapeId`](::aws_smithy_http_server::shape_id::ShapeId).
  478         -
    pub fn shape_id(&self) -> ::aws_smithy_http_server::shape_id::ShapeId {
  479         -
        match self {
  480         -
            Operation::ContentTypeParameters => ::aws_smithy_http_server::shape_id::ShapeId::new(
  481         -
  482         -
  483         -
  484         -
  485         -
  486         -
  487         -
  488         -
  489         -
  490         -
  491         -
    > for RestXmlExtras<L>
  492         -
  493         -
    const VALUE: Operation = Operation::ContentTypeParameters;
  494         -
  495         -
  496         -
impl<S> ::aws_smithy_http_server::service::ServiceShape for RestXmlExtras<S> {
  497         -
    const ID: ::aws_smithy_http_server::shape_id::ShapeId =
  498         -
  499         -
  500         -
  501         -
  502         -
  503         -
  504         -
    const VERSION: Option<&'static str> = Some("2024-04-15");
  505         -
  506         -
    type Protocol = ::aws_smithy_http_server::protocol::rest_xml::RestXml;
  507         -
  508         -
    type Operations = Operation;
  509         -
  510         -
/// Configuration for the [`RestXmlExtras`]. This is the central place where to register and
  511         -
/// configure [`::tower::Layer`]s, HTTP plugins, and model plugins.
  512         -
  513         -
/// ```rust,no_run
  514         -
/// # use rest_xml_extras::RestXmlExtrasConfig;
  515         -
/// # use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::IdentityPlugin;
  516         -
/// # use ::tower::layer::util::Identity;
  517         -
/// # let authentication_plugin = IdentityPlugin;
  518         -
/// # let authorization_plugin = IdentityPlugin;
  519         -
/// # let server_request_id_provider_layer = Identity::new();
  520         -
/// let config = RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder()
  521         -
///     // Layers get executed first...
  522         -
///     .layer(server_request_id_provider_layer)
  523         -
///     // ...then HTTP plugins...
  524         -
///     .http_plugin(authentication_plugin)
  525         -
///     // ...and right after deserialization, model plugins.
  526         -
///     .model_plugin(authorization_plugin)
  527         -
///     .build();
  528         -
/// ```
  529         -
  530         -
/// See the [`plugin`] system for details.
  531         -
  532         -
/// [`plugin`]: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin
  533         -
  534         -
pub struct RestXmlExtrasConfig<L, H, M> {
  535         -
    layers: L,
  536         -
    http_plugins: H,
  537         -
    model_plugins: M,
  538         -
  539         -
  540         -
impl RestXmlExtrasConfig<(), (), ()> {
  541         -
    /// Returns a builder to construct the configuration.
  542         -
    pub fn builder() -> RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder<
  543         -
  544         -
  545         -
  546         -
    > {
  547         -
        RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder {
  548         -
            layers: ::tower::layer::util::Identity::new(),
  549         -
            http_plugins: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::IdentityPlugin,
  550         -
            model_plugins: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::IdentityPlugin,
  551         -
  552         -
  553         -
  554         -
  555         -
/// Builder returned by [`RestXmlExtrasConfig::builder()`].
  556         -
  557         -
pub struct RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder<L, H, M> {
  558         -
    pub(crate) layers: L,
  559         -
    pub(crate) http_plugins: H,
  560         -
    pub(crate) model_plugins: M,
  561         -
  562         -
  563         -
impl<L, H, M> RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder<L, H, M> {
  564         -
    /// Add a [`::tower::Layer`] to the service.
  565         -
    pub fn layer<NewLayer>(
  566         -
  567         -
        layer: NewLayer,
  568         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder<::tower::layer::util::Stack<NewLayer, L>, H, M> {
  569         -
        RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder {
  570         -
            layers: ::tower::layer::util::Stack::new(layer, self.layers),
  571         -
            http_plugins: self.http_plugins,
  572         -
            model_plugins: self.model_plugins,
  573         -
  574         -
  575         -
  576         -
    /// Add a HTTP [plugin] to the service.
  577         -
  578         -
    /// [plugin]: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin
  579         -
    // We eagerly require `NewPlugin: HttpMarker`, despite not really needing it, because compiler
  580         -
    // errors get _substantially_ better if the user makes a mistake.
  581         -
    pub fn http_plugin<NewPlugin: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::HttpMarker>(
  582         -
  583         -
        http_plugin: NewPlugin,
  584         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder<L, ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::PluginStack<NewPlugin, H>, M>
  585         -
  586         -
        RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder {
  587         -
            layers: self.layers,
  588         -
            http_plugins: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::PluginStack::new(
  589         -
  590         -
  591         -
  592         -
            model_plugins: self.model_plugins,
  593         -
  594         -
  595         -
  596         -
    /// Add a model [plugin] to the service.
  597         -
  598         -
    /// [plugin]: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin
  599         -
    // We eagerly require `NewPlugin: ModelMarker`, despite not really needing it, because compiler
  600         -
    // errors get _substantially_ better if the user makes a mistake.
  601         -
    pub fn model_plugin<NewPlugin: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::ModelMarker>(
  602         -
  603         -
        model_plugin: NewPlugin,
  604         -
    ) -> RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder<L, H, ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::PluginStack<NewPlugin, M>>
  605         -
  606         -
        RestXmlExtrasConfigBuilder {
  607         -
            layers: self.layers,
  608         -
            http_plugins: self.http_plugins,
  609         -
            model_plugins: ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::PluginStack::new(
  610         -
  611         -
  612         -
  613         -
  614         -
  615         -
  616         -
    /// Build the configuration.
  617         -
    pub fn build(self) -> super::RestXmlExtrasConfig<L, H, M> {
  618         -
        super::RestXmlExtrasConfig {
  619         -
            layers: self.layers,
  620         -
            http_plugins: self.http_plugins,
  621         -
            model_plugins: self.model_plugins,
  622         -
  623         -
  624         -
  625         -
/// A macro to help with scoping [plugins](::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin) to a subset of all operations.
  626         -
  627         -
/// In contrast to [`aws_smithy_http_server::scope`](::aws_smithy_http_server::scope), this macro has knowledge
  628         -
/// of the service and any operations _not_ specified will be placed in the opposing group.
  629         -
  630         -
/// # Example
  631         -
  632         -
/// ```rust
  633         -
/// scope! {
  634         -
///     /// Includes [`ContentTypeParameters`], excluding all other operations.
  635         -
///     struct ScopeA {
  636         -
///         includes: [ContentTypeParameters]
  637         -
///     }
  638         -
/// }
  639         -
  640         -
/// scope! {
  641         -
///     /// Excludes [`ContentTypeParameters`], excluding all other operations.
  642         -
///     struct ScopeB {
  643         -
///         excludes: [ContentTypeParameters]
  644         -
///     }
  645         -
/// }
  646         -
  647         -
/// # use ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::{Plugin, Scoped};
  648         -
/// # use rest_xml_extras::scope;
  649         -
/// # struct MockPlugin;
  650         -
/// # impl<S, Op, T> Plugin<S, Op, T> for MockPlugin { type Output = u32; fn apply(&self, input: T) -> u32 { 3 } }
  651         -
/// # let scoped_a = Scoped::new::<ScopeA>(MockPlugin);
  652         -
/// # let scoped_b = Scoped::new::<ScopeB>(MockPlugin);
  653         -
/// # let a = Plugin::<(), rest_xml_extras::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters, u64>::apply(&scoped_a, 6);
  654         -
/// # let b = Plugin::<(), rest_xml_extras::operation_shape::ContentTypeParameters, u64>::apply(&scoped_b, 6);
  655         -
/// # assert_eq!(a, 3_u32);
  656         -
/// # assert_eq!(b, 6_u64);
  657         -
/// ```
  658         -
  659         -
macro_rules! scope {
  660         -
                    // Completed, render impls
  661         -
                    (@ $ name: ident, $ contains: ident () ($($ temp: ident)*) ($($ not_member: ident)*)) => {
  662         -
  663         -
                            impl ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::scoped::Membership<$ temp> for $ name {
  664         -
                                type Contains = ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::scoped::$ contains;
  665         -
  666         -
  667         -
  668         -
                            impl ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::scoped::Membership<$ not_member> for $ name {
  669         -
                                type Contains = ::aws_smithy_http_server::plugin::scoped::$ contains;
  670         -
  671         -
  672         -
  673         -
                    // All `not_member`s exhausted, move `temp` into `not_member`
  674         -
                    (@ $ name: ident, $ contains: ident ($($ member: ident)*) ($($ temp: ident)*) ()) => {
  675         -
                        scope! { @ $ name, $ contains ($($ member)*) () ($($ temp)*) }
  676         -
  677         -
  678         -
                        // ContentTypeParameters match found, pop from both `member` and `not_member`
  679         -
                        (@ $ name: ident, $ contains: ident (ContentTypeParameters $($ member: ident)*) ($($ temp: ident)*) (ContentTypeParameters $($ not_member: ident)*)) => {
  680         -
                            scope! { @ $ name, $ contains ($($ member)*) ($($ temp)*) ($($ not_member)*) }
  681         -
  682         -
                        // ContentTypeParameters match not found, pop from `not_member` into `temp` stack
  683         -
                        (@ $ name: ident, $ contains: ident (ContentTypeParameters $($ member: ident)*) ($($ temp: ident)*) ($ other: ident $($ not_member: ident)*)) => {
  684         -
                            scope! { @ $ name, $ contains (ContentTypeParameters $($ member)*) ($ other $($ temp)*) ($($ not_member)*) }
  685         -
  686         -
  687         -
  688         -
                        $(#[$ attrs:meta])*
  689         -
                        $ vis:vis struct $ name:ident {
  690         -
                            includes: [$($ include:ident),*]
  691         -
  692         -
                    ) => {
  693         -
                        use $ crate::operation_shape::*;
  694         -
                        ::aws_smithy_http_server::scope! {
  695         -
                            $(#[$ attrs])*
  696         -
                            $ vis struct $ name {
  697         -
                                includes: [$($ include),*],
  698         -
                                excludes: []
  699         -
  700         -
  701         -
                        scope! { @ $ name, False ($($ include)*) () (ContentTypeParameters) }
  702         -
  703         -
  704         -
                        $(#[$ attrs:meta])*
  705         -
                        $ vis:vis struct $ name:ident {
  706         -
                            excludes: [$($ exclude:ident),*]
  707         -
  708         -
                    ) => {
  709         -
                        use $ crate::operation_shape::*;
  710         -
  711         -
                        ::aws_smithy_http_server::scope! {
  712         -
                            $(#[$ attrs])*
  713         -
                            $ vis struct $ name {
  714         -
                                includes: [],
  715         -
                                excludes: [$($ exclude),*]
  716         -
  717         -
  718         -
                        scope! { @ $ name, True ($($ exclude)*) () (ContentTypeParameters) }
  719         -
  720         -