Client Test

Client Test

rev. 9f5fb9826a6af51ebfb3736d0a778b00ec7b08b3

Files changed:


@@ -193,193 +257,258 @@
  213    213   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  214    214   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  215    215   
  216    216   
  217    217   
  218    218   
  219    219   
  220    220   
  221    221   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  222    222   
  223         -
mod fractional_seconds_request_test {
         223  +
mod fractional_seconds_test {
         224  +
  224    225   
    /// Ensures that clients can correctly parse datetime timestamps with fractional seconds
  225    226   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonDateTimeWithFractionalSeconds
  226    227   
  227         -
         228  +
  228    229   
    async fn rest_json_date_time_with_fractional_seconds_response() {
  229    230   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::fractional_seconds::FractionalSecondsOutput::builder()
  230    231   
  231    232   
                946845296, 0.123_f64,
  232    233   
  233    234   
  234    235   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  235    236   
  236    237   
  237    238   


@@ -193,193 +790,791 @@
  213    213   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  214    214   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  215    215   
  216    216   
  217    217   
  218    218   
  219    219   
  220    220   
  221    221   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  222    222   
  223         -
mod greeting_with_errors_request_test {
         223  +
mod greeting_with_errors_test {
         224  +
  224    225   
    /// Ensures that operations with errors successfully know how
  225    226   
    /// to deserialize a successful response. As of January 2021,
  226    227   
    /// server implementations are expected to respond with a
  227    228   
    /// JSON object regardless of if the output parameters are
  228    229   
    /// empty.
  229    230   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonGreetingWithErrors
  230    231   
  231         -
         232  +
  232    233   
    async fn rest_json_greeting_with_errors_response() {
  233    234   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsOutput::builder()
  234    235   
  235    236   
  236    237   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  237    238   
  238    239   
                .header("X-Greeting", "Hello")
  239    240   
  240    241   
  241    242   
  242    243   
  243    244   
  244    245   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  245    246   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  246    247   
  247    248   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  248    249   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  249    250   
        let de = config
  250    251   
  251    252   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  252    253   
  253    254   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  254    255   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  255    256   
            let http_response =
  256    257   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  257    258   
  258    259   
  259    260   
        let parsed = parsed
  260    261   
            .expect("should be successful response")
  261    262   
  262    263   
  263    264   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.greeting, expected_output.greeting, "Unexpected value for `greeting`");
  264    265   
  265    266   
    /// This test is similar to RestJsonGreetingWithErrors, but it
  266    267   
    /// ensures that clients can gracefully deal with a server
  267    268   
    /// omitting a response payload.
  268    269   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonGreetingWithErrorsNoPayload
  269    270   
  270         -
         271  +
  271    272   
    async fn rest_json_greeting_with_errors_no_payload_response() {
  272    273   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsOutput::builder()
  273    274   
  274    275   
  275    276   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  276    277   
  277    278   
                .header("X-Greeting", "Hello")
  278    279   
  279    280   
  280    281   
  281    282   
  282    283   
  283    284   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  284    285   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  285    286   
  286    287   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  287    288   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  288    289   
        let de = config
  289    290   
  290    291   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  291    292   
  292    293   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  293    294   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  294    295   
            let http_response =
  295    296   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  296    297   
  297    298   
  298    299   
        let parsed = parsed
  299    300   
            .expect("should be successful response")
  300    301   
  301    302   
  302    303   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.greeting, expected_output.greeting, "Unexpected value for `greeting`");
  303    304   
  304    305   
    /// Parses simple JSON errors
  305    306   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonInvalidGreetingError
  306    307   
  307         -
         308  +
  308    309   
    async fn rest_json_invalid_greeting_error_response() {
  309    310   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::InvalidGreeting::builder()
  310    311   
  311    312   
  312    313   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  313    314   
  314    315   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  315    316   
                .header("X-Amzn-Errortype", "InvalidGreeting")
  316    317   
  317    318   
                .body(::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from("{\n    \"Message\": \"Hi\"\n}"))
  318    319   
  319    320   
  320    321   
  321    322   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  322    323   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  323    324   
  324    325   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  325    326   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  326    327   
        let de = config
  327    328   
  328    329   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  329    330   
  330    331   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  331    332   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  332    333   
            let http_response =
  333    334   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  334    335   
  335    336   
  336    337   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  337    338   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  338    339   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  339    340   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::InvalidGreeting(parsed) = parsed {
  340    341   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  341    342   
        } else {
  342    343   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  343    344   
  344    345   
  345    346   
    /// Serializes a complex error with no message member
  346    347   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonComplexErrorWithNoMessage
  347    348   
  348         -
         349  +
  349    350   
    async fn rest_json_complex_error_with_no_message_response() {
  350    351   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::ComplexError::builder()
  351    352   
  352    353   
            .set_top_level(::std::option::Option::Some("Top level".to_owned()))
  353    354   
  354    355   
  355    356   
  356    357   
  357    358   
  358    359   
  359    360   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  360    361   
  361    362   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  362    363   
                .header("X-Amzn-Errortype", "ComplexError")
  363    364   
                .header("X-Header", "Header")
  364    365   
  365    366   
  366    367   
                    "{\n    \"TopLevel\": \"Top level\",\n    \"Nested\": {\n        \"Fooooo\": \"bar\"\n    }\n}",
  367    368   
  368    369   
  369    370   
  370    371   
  371    372   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  372    373   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  373    374   
  374    375   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  375    376   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  376    377   
        let de = config
  377    378   
  378    379   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  379    380   
  380    381   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  381    382   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  382    383   
            let http_response =
  383    384   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  384    385   
  385    386   
  386    387   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  387    388   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  388    389   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  389    390   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::ComplexError(parsed) = parsed {
  390    391   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.header, expected_output.header, "Unexpected value for `header`");
  391    392   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.top_level, expected_output.top_level, "Unexpected value for `top_level`");
  392    393   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.nested, expected_output.nested, "Unexpected value for `nested`");
  393    394   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  394    395   
        } else {
  395    396   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  396    397   
  397    398   
  398    399   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonEmptyComplexErrorWithNoMessage
  399    400   
  400         -
         401  +
  401    402   
    async fn rest_json_empty_complex_error_with_no_message_response() {
  402    403   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::ComplexError::builder().build();
  403    404   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  404    405   
  405    406   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  406    407   
                .header("X-Amzn-Errortype", "ComplexError")
  407    408   
  408    409   
  409    410   
  410    411   
  411    412   
  412    413   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  413    414   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  414    415   
  415    416   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  416    417   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  417    418   
        let de = config
  418    419   
  419    420   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  420    421   
  421    422   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  422    423   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  423    424   
            let http_response =
  424    425   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  425    426   
  426    427   
  427    428   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  428    429   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  429    430   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  430    431   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::ComplexError(parsed) = parsed {
  431    432   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.header, expected_output.header, "Unexpected value for `header`");
  432    433   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.top_level, expected_output.top_level, "Unexpected value for `top_level`");
  433    434   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.nested, expected_output.nested, "Unexpected value for `nested`");
  434    435   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  435    436   
        } else {
  436    437   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  437    438   
  438    439   
  439    440   
    /// Serializes the X-Amzn-ErrorType header. For an example service, see Amazon EKS.
  440    441   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorUsingXAmznErrorType
  441    442   
  442         -
         443  +
  443    444   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_using_x_amzn_error_type_response() {
  444    445   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  445    446   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  446    447   
  447    448   
                .header("X-Amzn-Errortype", "FooError")
  448    449   
  449    450   
  450    451   
  451    452   
  452    453   
  453    454   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  454    455   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  455    456   
  456    457   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  457    458   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  458    459   
        let de = config
  459    460   
  460    461   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  461    462   
  462    463   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  463    464   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  464    465   
            let http_response =
  465    466   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  466    467   
  467    468   
  468    469   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  469    470   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  470    471   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  471    472   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  472    473   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  473    474   
        } else {
  474    475   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  475    476   
  476    477   
  477    478   
    /// Some X-Amzn-Errortype headers contain URLs. Clients need to split the URL on ':' and take only the first half of the string. For example, 'ValidationException:'
  478    479   
    /// is to be interpreted as 'ValidationException'.
  479    480   
  480    481   
    /// For an example service see Amazon Polly.
  481    482   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorUsingXAmznErrorTypeWithUri
  482    483   
  483         -
         484  +
  484    485   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_using_x_amzn_error_type_with_uri_response() {
  485    486   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  486    487   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  487    488   
  488    489   
                .header("X-Amzn-Errortype", "FooError:")
  489    490   
  490    491   
  491    492   
  492    493   
  493    494   
  494    495   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  495    496   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  496    497   
  497    498   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  498    499   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  499    500   
        let de = config
  500    501   
  501    502   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  502    503   
  503    504   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  504    505   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  505    506   
            let http_response =
  506    507   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  507    508   
  508    509   
  509    510   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  510    511   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  511    512   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  512    513   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  513    514   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  514    515   
        } else {
  515    516   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  516    517   
  517    518   
  518    519   
    /// X-Amzn-Errortype might contain a URL and a namespace. Client should extract only the shape name. This is a pathalogical case that might not actually happen in any deployed AWS service.
  519    520   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorUsingXAmznErrorTypeWithUriAndNamespace
  520    521   
  521         -
         522  +
  522    523   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_using_x_amzn_error_type_with_uri_and_namespace_response() {
  523    524   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  524    525   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  525    526   
  526    527   
  527    528   
  528    529   
  529    530   
  530    531   
  531    532   
  532    533   
  533    534   
  534    535   
  535    536   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  536    537   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  537    538   
  538    539   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  539    540   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  540    541   
        let de = config
  541    542   
  542    543   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  543    544   
  544    545   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  545    546   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  546    547   
            let http_response =
  547    548   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  548    549   
  549    550   
  550    551   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  551    552   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  552    553   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  553    554   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  554    555   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  555    556   
        } else {
  556    557   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  557    558   
  558    559   
  559    560   
    /// This example uses the 'code' property in the output rather than X-Amzn-Errortype. Some services do this though it's preferable to send the X-Amzn-Errortype. Client implementations must first check for the X-Amzn-Errortype and then check for a top-level 'code' property.
  560    561   
  561    562   
    /// For example service see Amazon S3 Glacier.
  562    563   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorUsingCode
  563    564   
  564         -
         565  +
  565    566   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_using_code_response() {
  566    567   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  567    568   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  568    569   
  569    570   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  570    571   
  571    572   
                .body(::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from("{\n    \"code\": \"FooError\"\n}"))
  572    573   
  573    574   
  574    575   
  575    576   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  576    577   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  577    578   
  578    579   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  579    580   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  580    581   
        let de = config
  581    582   
  582    583   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  583    584   
  584    585   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  585    586   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  586    587   
            let http_response =
  587    588   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  588    589   
  589    590   
  590    591   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  591    592   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  592    593   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  593    594   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  594    595   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  595    596   
        } else {
  596    597   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  597    598   
  598    599   
  599    600   
    /// Some services serialize errors using code, and it might contain a namespace. Clients should just take the last part of the string after '#'.
  600    601   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorUsingCodeAndNamespace
  601    602   
  602         -
         603  +
  603    604   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_using_code_and_namespace_response() {
  604    605   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  605    606   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  606    607   
  607    608   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  608    609   
  609    610   
  610    611   
                    "{\n    \"code\": \"aws.protocoltests.restjson#FooError\"\n}",
  611    612   
  612    613   
  613    614   
  614    615   
  615    616   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  616    617   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  617    618   
  618    619   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  619    620   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  620    621   
        let de = config
  621    622   
  622    623   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  623    624   
  624    625   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  625    626   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  626    627   
            let http_response =
  627    628   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  628    629   
  629    630   
  630    631   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  631    632   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  632    633   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  633    634   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  634    635   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  635    636   
        } else {
  636    637   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  637    638   
  638    639   
  639    640   
    /// Some services serialize errors using code, and it might contain a namespace. It also might contain a URI. Clients should just take the last part of the string after '#' and before ":". This is a pathalogical case that might not occur in any deployed AWS service.
  640    641   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorUsingCodeUriAndNamespace
  641    642   
  642         -
         643  +
  643    644   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_using_code_uri_and_namespace_response() {
  644    645   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  645    646   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  646    647   
  647    648   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  648    649   
  649    650   
  650    651   
                    "{\n    \"code\": \"aws.protocoltests.restjson#FooError:\"\n}",
  651    652   
  652    653   
  653    654   
  654    655   
  655    656   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  656    657   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  657    658   
  658    659   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  659    660   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  660    661   
        let de = config
  661    662   
  662    663   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  663    664   
  664    665   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  665    666   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  666    667   
            let http_response =
  667    668   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  668    669   
  669    670   
  670    671   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  671    672   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  672    673   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  673    674   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  674    675   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  675    676   
        } else {
  676    677   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  677    678   
  678    679   
  679    680   
    /// Some services serialize errors using __type.
  680    681   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorWithDunderType
  681    682   
  682         -
         683  +
  683    684   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_with_dunder_type_response() {
  684    685   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  685    686   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  686    687   
  687    688   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  688    689   
  689    690   
                .body(::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from("{\n    \"__type\": \"FooError\"\n}"))
  690    691   
  691    692   
  692    693   
  693    694   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  694    695   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  695    696   
  696    697   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  697    698   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  698    699   
        let de = config
  699    700   
  700    701   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  701    702   
  702    703   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  703    704   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  704    705   
            let http_response =
  705    706   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  706    707   
  707    708   
  708    709   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  709    710   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  710    711   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  711    712   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  712    713   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  713    714   
        } else {
  714    715   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  715    716   
  716    717   
  717    718   
    /// Some services serialize errors using __type, and it might contain a namespace. Clients should just take the last part of the string after '#'.
  718    719   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorWithDunderTypeAndNamespace
  719    720   
  720         -
         721  +
  721    722   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_with_dunder_type_and_namespace_response() {
  722    723   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  723    724   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  724    725   
  725    726   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  726    727   
  727    728   
  728    729   
                    "{\n    \"__type\": \"aws.protocoltests.restjson#FooError\"\n}",
  729    730   
  730    731   
  731    732   
  732    733   
  733    734   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  734    735   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  735    736   
  736    737   
        let op = crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrors::new();
  737    738   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  738    739   
        let de = config
  739    740   
  740    741   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  741    742   
  742    743   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  743    744   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  744    745   
            let http_response =
  745    746   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  746    747   
  747    748   
  748    749   
        let parsed = parsed.expect_err("should be error response");
  749    750   
        let parsed: &crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError =
  750    751   
            parsed.as_operation_error().expect("operation error").downcast_ref().unwrap();
  751    752   
        if let crate::operation::greeting_with_errors::GreetingWithErrorsError::FooError(parsed) = parsed {
  752    753   
            ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.message, expected_output.message, "Unexpected value for `message`");
  753    754   
        } else {
  754    755   
            panic!("wrong variant: Got: {:?}. Expected: {:?}", parsed, expected_output);
  755    756   
  756    757   
  757    758   
    /// Some services serialize errors using __type, and it might contain a namespace. It also might contain a URI. Clients should just take the last part of the string after '#' and before ":". This is a pathalogical case that might not occur in any deployed AWS service.
  758    759   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonFooErrorWithDunderTypeUriAndNamespace
  759    760   
  760         -
         761  +
  761    762   
    async fn rest_json_foo_error_with_dunder_type_uri_and_namespace_response() {
  762    763   
        let expected_output = crate::types::error::FooError::builder().build();
  763    764   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  764    765   
  765    766   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  766    767   
  767    768   
  768    769   
                    "{\n    \"__type\": \"aws.protocoltests.restjson#FooError:\"\n}",
  769    770   
  770    771   


@@ -193,193 +257,258 @@
  213    213   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  214    214   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  215    215   
  216    216   
  217    217   
  218    218   
  219    219   
  220    220   
  221    221   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  222    222   
  223         -
mod host_with_path_operation_request_test {
         223  +
mod host_with_path_operation_test {
         224  +
  224    225   
    /// Custom endpoints supplied by users can have paths
  225    226   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHostWithPath
  226    227   
  227         -
         228  +
  228    229   
    async fn rest_json_host_with_path_request() {
  229    230   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  230    231   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder()
  231    232   
  232    233   
  233    234   
  234    235   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  235    236   
        let result = client.host_with_path_operation().send().await;
  236    237   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  237    238   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();


@@ -201,201 +265,266 @@
  221    221   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  222    222   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  223    223   
  224    224   
  225    225   
  226    226   
  227    227   
  228    228   
  229    229   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  230    230   
  231         -
mod http_checksum_required_request_test {
         231  +
mod http_checksum_required_test {
         232  +
  232    233   
    /// Adds Content-MD5 header
  233    234   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpChecksumRequired
  234    235   
  235         -
         236  +
  236    237   
    async fn rest_json_http_checksum_required_request() {
  237    238   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  238    239   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  239    240   
  240    241   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  241    242   
        let result = client
  242    243   
  243    244   
            .set_foo(::std::option::Option::Some("base64 encoded md5 checksum".to_owned()))
  244    245   
  245    246   


@@ -193,193 +283,284 @@
  213    213   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  214    214   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  215    215   
  216    216   
  217    217   
  218    218   
  219    219   
  220    220   
  221    221   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  222    222   
  223         -
mod http_enum_payload_request_test {
         223  +
mod http_enum_payload_test {
         224  +
  224    225   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonEnumPayloadRequest
  225    226   
  226         -
         227  +
  227    228   
    async fn rest_json_enum_payload_request_request() {
  228    229   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  229    230   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  230    231   
  231    232   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  232    233   
        let result = client
  233    234   
  234    235   
  235    236   
                "enumvalue".parse::<crate::types::StringEnum>().expect("static value validated to member"),
  236    237   
  237    238   
  238    239   
  239    240   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  240    241   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  241    242   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  242    243   
  243    244   
  244    245   
  245    246   
  246    247   
  247    248   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  248    249   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "POST", "method was incorrect");
  249    250   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/EnumPayload", "path was incorrect");
  250    251   
  251    252   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonEnumPayloadResponse
  252    253   
  253         -
         254  +
  254    255   
    async fn rest_json_enum_payload_response_response() {
  255    256   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_enum_payload::HttpEnumPayloadOutput::builder()
  256    257   
  257    258   
                "enumvalue".parse::<crate::types::StringEnum>().expect("static value validated to member"),
  258    259   
  259    260   
  260    261   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  261    262   
  262    263   
  263    264   


@@ -199,199 +358,359 @@
  219    219   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  220    220   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  221    221   
  222    222   
  223    223   
  224    224   
  225    225   
  226    226   
  227    227   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  228    228   
  229         -
mod http_payload_traits_request_test {
         229  +
mod http_payload_traits_test {
         230  +
  230    231   
    /// Serializes a blob in the HTTP payload
  231    232   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithBlob
  232    233   
  233         -
         234  +
  234    235   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_blob_request() {
  235    236   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  236    237   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  237    238   
  238    239   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  239    240   
        let result = client
  240    241   
  241    242   
  242    243   
            .set_blob(::std::option::Option::Some(::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new("blobby blob blob")))
  243    244   
  244    245   
  245    246   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  246    247   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  247    248   
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"), ("X-Foo", "Foo")];
  248    249   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  249    250   
        let required_headers = &["Content-Length"];
  250    251   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::require_headers(http_request.headers(), required_headers));
  251    252   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  252    253   
  253    254   
  254    255   
            "blobby blob blob",
  255    256   
  256    257   
  257    258   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  258    259   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "POST", "method was incorrect");
  259    260   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPayloadTraits", "path was incorrect");
  260    261   
  261    262   
    /// Serializes an empty blob in the HTTP payload
  262    263   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithNoBlobBody
  263    264   
  264         -
         265  +
  265    266   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_no_blob_body_request() {
  266    267   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  267    268   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  268    269   
  269    270   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  270    271   
        let result = client
  271    272   
  272    273   
  273    274   
  274    275   
  275    276   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  276    277   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  277    278   
        let expected_headers = [("X-Foo", "Foo")];
  278    279   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  279    280   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  280    281   
        // No body
  281    282   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  282    283   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  283    284   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "POST", "method was incorrect");
  284    285   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPayloadTraits", "path was incorrect");
  285    286   
  286    287   
    /// Serializes a blob in the HTTP payload
  287    288   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithBlob
  288    289   
  289         -
         290  +
  290    291   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_blob_response() {
  291    292   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_payload_traits::HttpPayloadTraitsOutput::builder()
  292    293   
  293    294   
            .set_blob(::std::option::Option::Some(::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new("blobby blob blob")))
  294    295   
  295    296   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  296    297   
  297    298   
                .header("X-Foo", "Foo")
  298    299   
  299    300   
                .body(::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from("blobby blob blob"))
  300    301   
  301    302   
  302    303   
  303    304   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  304    305   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  305    306   
  306    307   
        let op = crate::operation::http_payload_traits::HttpPayloadTraits::new();
  307    308   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  308    309   
        let de = config
  309    310   
  310    311   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  311    312   
  312    313   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  313    314   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  314    315   
            let http_response =
  315    316   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  316    317   
  317    318   
  318    319   
        let parsed = parsed
  319    320   
            .expect("should be successful response")
  320    321   
  321    322   
  322    323   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(,, "Unexpected value for `foo`");
  323    324   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.blob, expected_output.blob, "Unexpected value for `blob`");
  324    325   
  325    326   
    /// Serializes an empty blob in the HTTP payload
  326    327   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithNoBlobBody
  327    328   
  328         -
         329  +
  329    330   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_no_blob_body_response() {
  330    331   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_payload_traits::HttpPayloadTraitsOutput::builder()
  331    332   
  332    333   
  333    334   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  334    335   
  335    336   
                .header("X-Foo", "Foo")
  336    337   
  337    338   
  338    339   


@@ -204,204 +299,300 @@
  224    224   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  225    225   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  226    226   
  227    227   
  228    228   
  229    229   
  230    230   
  231    231   
  232    232   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  233    233   
  234         -
mod http_payload_traits_with_media_type_request_test {
         234  +
mod http_payload_traits_with_media_type_test {
         235  +
  235    236   
    /// Serializes a blob in the HTTP payload with a content-type
  236    237   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithMediaTypeWithBlob
  237    238   
  238         -
         239  +
  239    240   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_media_type_with_blob_request() {
  240    241   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  241    242   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  242    243   
  243    244   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  244    245   
        let result = client
  245    246   
  246    247   
  247    248   
            .set_blob(::std::option::Option::Some(::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new("blobby blob blob")))
  248    249   
  249    250   
  250    251   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  251    252   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  252    253   
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "text/plain"), ("X-Foo", "Foo")];
  253    254   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  254    255   
        let required_headers = &["Content-Length"];
  255    256   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::require_headers(http_request.headers(), required_headers));
  256    257   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  257    258   
  258    259   
  259    260   
            "blobby blob blob",
  260    261   
  261    262   
  262    263   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  263    264   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "POST", "method was incorrect");
  264    265   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPayloadTraitsWithMediaType", "path was incorrect");
  265    266   
  266    267   
    /// Serializes a blob in the HTTP payload with a content-type
  267    268   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadTraitsWithMediaTypeWithBlob
  268    269   
  269         -
         270  +
  270    271   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_traits_with_media_type_with_blob_response() {
  271    272   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_payload_traits_with_media_type::HttpPayloadTraitsWithMediaTypeOutput::builder()
  272    273   
  273    274   
            .set_blob(::std::option::Option::Some(::aws_smithy_types::Blob::new("blobby blob blob")))
  274    275   
  275    276   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  276    277   
  277    278   
                .header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
  278    279   
                .header("X-Foo", "Foo")
  279    280   


@@ -199,199 +298,299 @@
  219    219   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  220    220   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  221    221   
  222    222   
  223    223   
  224    224   
  225    225   
  226    226   
  227    227   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  228    228   
  229         -
mod http_payload_with_structure_request_test {
         229  +
mod http_payload_with_structure_test {
         230  +
  230    231   
    /// Serializes a structure in the payload
  231    232   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadWithStructure
  232    233   
  233         -
         234  +
  234    235   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_with_structure_request() {
  235    236   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  236    237   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  237    238   
  238    239   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  239    240   
        let result = client
  240    241   
  241    242   
  242    243   
  243    244   
  244    245   
  245    246   
  246    247   
  247    248   
  248    249   
  249    250   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  250    251   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  251    252   
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")];
  252    253   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  253    254   
        let required_headers = &["Content-Length"];
  254    255   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::require_headers(http_request.headers(), required_headers));
  255    256   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  256    257   
  257    258   
  258    259   
            "{\n    \"greeting\": \"hello\",\n    \"name\": \"Phreddy\"\n}",
  259    260   
  260    261   
  261    262   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  262    263   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "PUT", "method was incorrect");
  263    264   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPayloadWithStructure", "path was incorrect");
  264    265   
  265    266   
    /// Serializes a structure in the payload
  266    267   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadWithStructure
  267    268   
  268         -
         269  +
  269    270   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_with_structure_response() {
  270    271   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_payload_with_structure::HttpPayloadWithStructureOutput::builder()
  271    272   
  272    273   
  273    274   
  274    275   
  275    276   
  276    277   
  277    278   
  278    279   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(


@@ -199,199 +349,350 @@
  219    219   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  220    220   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  221    221   
  222    222   
  223    223   
  224    224   
  225    225   
  226    226   
  227    227   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  228    228   
  229         -
mod http_payload_with_union_request_test {
         229  +
mod http_payload_with_union_test {
         230  +
  230    231   
    /// Serializes a union in the payload.
  231    232   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadWithUnion
  232    233   
  233         -
         234  +
  234    235   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_with_union_request() {
  235    236   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  236    237   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  237    238   
  238    239   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  239    240   
        let result = client
  240    241   
  241    242   
  242    243   
  243    244   
  244    245   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  245    246   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  246    247   
        let expected_headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")];
  247    248   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  248    249   
        let required_headers = &["Content-Length"];
  249    250   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::require_headers(http_request.headers(), required_headers));
  250    251   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  251    252   
  252    253   
  253    254   
            "{\n    \"greeting\": \"hello\"\n}",
  254    255   
  255    256   
  256    257   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  257    258   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "PUT", "method was incorrect");
  258    259   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPayloadWithUnion", "path was incorrect");
  259    260   
  260    261   
    /// No payload is sent if the union has no value.
  261    262   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadWithUnsetUnion
  262    263   
  263         -
         264  +
  264    265   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_with_unset_union_request() {
  265    266   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  266    267   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  267    268   
  268    269   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  269    270   
        let result = client.http_payload_with_union().send().await;
  270    271   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  271    272   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  272    273   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  273    274   
        // No body
  274    275   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  275    276   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  276    277   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "PUT", "method was incorrect");
  277    278   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPayloadWithUnion", "path was incorrect");
  278    279   
  279    280   
    /// Serializes a union in the payload.
  280    281   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadWithUnion
  281    282   
  282         -
         283  +
  283    284   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_with_union_response() {
  284    285   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_payload_with_union::HttpPayloadWithUnionOutput::builder()
  285    286   
  286    287   
  287    288   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  288    289   
  289    290   
                .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  290    291   
  291    292   
                .body(::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from("{\n    \"greeting\": \"hello\"\n}"))
  292    293   
  293    294   
  294    295   
  295    296   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::RuntimePlugin;
  296    297   
        use ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::ser_de::DeserializeResponse;
  297    298   
  298    299   
        let op = crate::operation::http_payload_with_union::HttpPayloadWithUnion::new();
  299    300   
        let config = op.config().expect("the operation has config");
  300    301   
        let de = config
  301    302   
  302    303   
            .expect("the config must have a deserializer");
  303    304   
  304    305   
        let parsed = de.deserialize_streaming(&mut http_response);
  305    306   
        let parsed = parsed.unwrap_or_else(|| {
  306    307   
            let http_response =
  307    308   
      |body| ::aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody::from(::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(body.bytes().unwrap())));
  308    309   
  309    310   
  310    311   
        let parsed = parsed
  311    312   
            .expect("should be successful response")
  312    313   
  313    314   
  314    315   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(parsed.nested, expected_output.nested, "Unexpected value for `nested`");
  315    316   
  316    317   
    /// No payload is sent if the union has no value.
  317    318   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPayloadWithUnsetUnion
  318    319   
  319         -
         320  +
  320    321   
    async fn rest_json_http_payload_with_unset_union_response() {
  321    322   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_payload_with_union::HttpPayloadWithUnionOutput::builder().build();
  322    323   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(
  323    324   
  324    325   
                .header("Content-Length", "0")
  325    326   
  326    327   
  327    328   
  328    329   
  329    330   


@@ -194,194 +315,316 @@
  214    214   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  215    215   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  216    216   
  217    217   
  218    218   
  219    219   
  220    220   
  221    221   
  222    222   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  223    223   
  224         -
mod http_prefix_headers_request_test {
         224  +
mod http_prefix_headers_test {
         225  +
  225    226   
    /// Adds headers by prefix
  226    227   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPrefixHeadersArePresent
  227    228   
  228         -
         229  +
  229    230   
    async fn rest_json_http_prefix_headers_are_present_request() {
  230    231   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  231    232   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  232    233   
  233    234   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  234    235   
        let result = client
  235    236   
  236    237   
  237    238   
  238    239   
                let mut ret = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
  239    240   
                ret.insert("Abc".to_owned().to_ascii_lowercase(), "Abc value".to_owned());
  240    241   
                ret.insert("Def".to_owned().to_ascii_lowercase(), "Def value".to_owned());
  241    242   
  242    243   
  243    244   
  244    245   
  245    246   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  246    247   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  247    248   
        let expected_headers = [("X-Foo", "Foo"), ("X-Foo-Abc", "Abc value"), ("X-Foo-Def", "Def value")];
  248    249   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  249    250   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  250    251   
        // No body
  251    252   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  252    253   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  253    254   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "GET", "method was incorrect");
  254    255   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPrefixHeaders", "path was incorrect");
  255    256   
  256    257   
    /// No prefix headers are serialized because the value is empty
  257    258   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPrefixHeadersAreNotPresent
  258    259   
  259         -
         260  +
  260    261   
    async fn rest_json_http_prefix_headers_are_not_present_request() {
  261    262   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  262    263   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  263    264   
  264    265   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  265    266   
        let result = client
  266    267   
  267    268   
  268    269   
  269    270   
  270    271   
  271    272   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  272    273   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  273    274   
        let expected_headers = [("X-Foo", "Foo")];
  274    275   
        ::aws_smithy_protocol_test::assert_ok(::aws_smithy_protocol_test::validate_headers(http_request.headers(), expected_headers));
  275    276   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  276    277   
        // No body
  277    278   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  278    279   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  279    280   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "GET", "method was incorrect");
  280    281   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/HttpPrefixHeaders", "path was incorrect");
  281    282   
  282    283   
    /// Adds headers by prefix
  283    284   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpPrefixHeadersArePresent
  284    285   
  285         -
         286  +
  286    287   
    async fn rest_json_http_prefix_headers_are_present_response() {
  287    288   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_prefix_headers::HttpPrefixHeadersOutput::builder()
  288    289   
  289    290   
  290    291   
                let mut ret = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
  291    292   
                ret.insert("Abc".to_owned().to_ascii_lowercase(), "Abc value".to_owned());
  292    293   
                ret.insert("Def".to_owned().to_ascii_lowercase(), "Def value".to_owned());
  293    294   
  294    295   
  295    296   


@@ -193,193 +257,258 @@
  213    213   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  214    214   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  215    215   
  216    216   
  217    217   
  218    218   
  219    219   
  220    220   
  221    221   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  222    222   
  223         -
mod http_prefix_headers_in_response_request_test {
         223  +
mod http_prefix_headers_in_response_test {
         224  +
  224    225   
    /// (de)serializes all response headers
  225    226   
    /// Test ID: HttpPrefixHeadersResponse
  226    227   
  227         -
         228  +
  228    229   
    async fn http_prefix_headers_response_response() {
  229    230   
        let expected_output = crate::operation::http_prefix_headers_in_response::HttpPrefixHeadersInResponseOutput::builder()
  230    231   
  231    232   
                let mut ret = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
  232    233   
                ret.insert("X-Foo".to_owned().to_ascii_lowercase(), "Foo".to_owned());
  233    234   
                ret.insert("Hello".to_owned().to_ascii_lowercase(), "Hello".to_owned());
  234    235   
  235    236   
  236    237   
  237    238   
        let mut http_response = ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::http::Response::try_from(


@@ -217,217 +337,338 @@
  237    237   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  238    238   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  239    239   
  240    240   
  241    241   
  242    242   
  243    243   
  244    244   
  245    245   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  246    246   
  247         -
mod http_request_with_float_labels_request_test {
         247  +
mod http_request_with_float_labels_test {
         248  +
  248    249   
    /// Supports handling NaN float label values.
  249    250   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonSupportsNaNFloatLabels
  250    251   
  251         -
         252  +
  252    253   
    async fn rest_json_supports_na_n_float_labels_request() {
  253    254   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  254    255   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  255    256   
  256    257   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  257    258   
        let result = client
  258    259   
  259    260   
  260    261   
                <f32 as ::aws_smithy_types::primitive::Parse>::parse_smithy_primitive("NaN").expect("invalid string for number"),
  261    262   
  262    263   
  263    264   
                <f64 as ::aws_smithy_types::primitive::Parse>::parse_smithy_primitive("NaN").expect("invalid string for number"),
  264    265   
  265    266   
  266    267   
  267    268   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  268    269   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  269    270   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  270    271   
        // No body
  271    272   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  272    273   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  273    274   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "GET", "method was incorrect");
  274    275   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/FloatHttpLabels/NaN/NaN", "path was incorrect");
  275    276   
  276    277   
    /// Supports handling Infinity float label values.
  277    278   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonSupportsInfinityFloatLabels
  278    279   
  279         -
         280  +
  280    281   
    async fn rest_json_supports_infinity_float_labels_request() {
  281    282   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  282    283   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  283    284   
  284    285   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  285    286   
        let result = client
  286    287   
  287    288   
  288    289   
                <f32 as ::aws_smithy_types::primitive::Parse>::parse_smithy_primitive("Infinity").expect("invalid string for number"),
  289    290   
  290    291   
  291    292   
                <f64 as ::aws_smithy_types::primitive::Parse>::parse_smithy_primitive("Infinity").expect("invalid string for number"),
  292    293   
  293    294   
  294    295   
  295    296   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  296    297   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  297    298   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  298    299   
        // No body
  299    300   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  300    301   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  301    302   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "GET", "method was incorrect");
  302    303   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(uri.path(), "/FloatHttpLabels/Infinity/Infinity", "path was incorrect");
  303    304   
  304    305   
    /// Supports handling -Infinity float label values.
  305    306   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonSupportsNegativeInfinityFloatLabels
  306    307   
  307         -
         308  +
  308    309   
    async fn rest_json_supports_negative_infinity_float_labels_request() {
  309    310   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  310    311   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  311    312   
  312    313   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  313    314   
        let result = client
  314    315   
  315    316   
  316    317   
                <f32 as ::aws_smithy_types::primitive::Parse>::parse_smithy_primitive("-Infinity").expect("invalid string for number"),
  317    318   


@@ -220,220 +284,285 @@
  240    240   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  241    241   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  242    242   
  243    243   
  244    244   
  245    245   
  246    246   
  247    247   
  248    248   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  249    249   
  250         -
mod http_request_with_greedy_label_in_path_request_test {
         250  +
mod http_request_with_greedy_label_in_path_test {
         251  +
  251    252   
    /// Serializes greedy labels and normal labels
  252    253   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpRequestWithGreedyLabelInPath
  253    254   
  254         -
         255  +
  255    256   
    async fn rest_json_http_request_with_greedy_label_in_path_request() {
  256    257   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  257    258   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  258    259   
  259    260   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  260    261   
        let result = client
  261    262   
  262    263   
  263    264   
  264    265   


@@ -299,299 +399,400 @@
  319    319   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  320    320   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  321    321   
  322    322   
  323    323   
  324    324   
  325    325   
  326    326   
  327    327   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  328    328   
  329         -
mod http_request_with_labels_request_test {
         329  +
mod http_request_with_labels_test {
         330  +
  330    331   
    /// Sends a GET request that uses URI label bindings
  331    332   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonInputWithHeadersAndAllParams
  332    333   
  333         -
         334  +
  334    335   
    async fn rest_json_input_with_headers_and_all_params_request() {
  335    336   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  336    337   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  337    338   
  338    339   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  339    340   
        let result = client
  340    341   
  341    342   
  342    343   
  343    344   
  344    345   
  345    346   
  346    347   
  347    348   
  348    349   
  349    350   
                1576540098, 0_f64,
  350    351   
  351    352   
  352    353   
  353    354   
        let _ = dbg!(result);
  354    355   
        let http_request = request_receiver.expect_request();
  355    356   
        let body = http_request.body().bytes().expect("body should be strict");
  356    357   
        // No body
  357    358   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(::std::str::from_utf8(body).unwrap(), "");
  358    359   
        let uri: ::http::Uri = http_request.uri().parse().expect("invalid URI sent");
  359    360   
        ::pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(http_request.method(), "GET", "method was incorrect");
  360    361   
  361    362   
  362    363   
  363    364   
            "path was incorrect"
  364    365   
  365    366   
  366    367   
    /// Sends a GET request that uses URI label bindings
  367    368   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpRequestLabelEscaping
  368    369   
  369         -
         370  +
  370    371   
    async fn rest_json_http_request_label_escaping_request() {
  371    372   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  372    373   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  373    374   
  374    375   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  375    376   
        let result = client
  376    377   
  377    378   
            .set_string(::std::option::Option::Some(" %:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=😹".to_owned()))
  378    379   
  379    380   


@@ -274,274 +338,339 @@
  294    294   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  295    295   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  296    296   
  297    297   
  298    298   
  299    299   
  300    300   
  301    301   
  302    302   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  303    303   
  304         -
mod http_request_with_labels_and_timestamp_format_request_test {
         304  +
mod http_request_with_labels_and_timestamp_format_test {
         305  +
  305    306   
    /// Serializes different timestamp formats in URI labels
  306    307   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonHttpRequestWithLabelsAndTimestampFormat
  307    308   
  308         -
         309  +
  309    310   
    async fn rest_json_http_request_with_labels_and_timestamp_format_request() {
  310    311   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  311    312   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  312    313   
  313    314   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  314    315   
        let result = client
  315    316   
  316    317   
  317    318   
                1576540098, 0_f64,
  318    319   


@@ -204,204 +268,269 @@
  224    224   
        let params = crate::config::endpoint::Params::builder().build().map_err(|err| {
  225    225   
            ::aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::error::ContextAttachedError::new("endpoint params could not be built", err)
  226    226   
  227    227   
  228    228   
  229    229   
  230    230   
  231    231   
  232    232   
#[allow(unreachable_code, unused_variables)]
  233    233   
  234         -
mod http_request_with_regex_literal_request_test {
         234  +
mod http_request_with_regex_literal_test {
         235  +
  235    236   
    /// Path matching is not broken by regex expressions in literal segments
  236    237   
    /// Test ID: RestJsonToleratesRegexCharsInSegments
  237    238   
  238         -
         239  +
  239    240   
    async fn rest_json_tolerates_regex_chars_in_segments_request() {
  240    241   
        let (http_client, request_receiver) = ::aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::capture_request(None);
  241    242   
        let config_builder = crate::config::Config::builder().with_test_defaults().endpoint_url("");
  242    243   
  243    244   
        let client = crate::Client::from_conf(config_builder.http_client(http_client).build());
  244    245   
        let result = client
  245    246   
  246    247   
  247    248   
  248    249   